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HOME  > 2009 November 11 - 17
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2009 November 11 - 17 [US FORCES]

U.S. Marines fire 642 shells in live-fire drills

November 12 &13, 2009
The U.S. Marine Corps in Okinawa conducted live-fire exercises for ten days until November 11 at the foot of Mt. Fuji in Yamanashi Prefecture.

In order to respond effectively to various combat situations, 390 U.S. Marines participated in the largest ever training exercises in the Kita-Fuji Exercise Ground.

A group of residents monitored the exercises near the training field everyday. The number of 155-mm howitzer rounds fired that they were able to confirm was 642. They also confirmed that nighttime training was carried out for five nights.

The Japanese government has promised the five municipalities hosting the training site that when U.S. forces in Okinawa hold live-fire exercises outside Okinawa, both their “quality and quantity will be the same” as the exercises held in Okinawa. This time, however, the U.S. Marines held five drills at night, something they do not do in Okinawa.

The residents’ group issued a statement reading, “The extent of the exercises this time was more than what the government claims. They also contradicted the prefectural policy that calls for a gradual reduction in the use of the exercise field and the eventual return of the site to the prefecture. We will demand that the government and the prefecture prevent the U.S. forces from conducting live-fire exercises.”
- Akahata, November 12 &13, 2009
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