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2014 August 20 - 26 [POLITICS]

Naha City Assembly demands halt to US base construction work in Henoko

August 23, 2014
The Naha City Assembly in Okinawa on August 22 overwhelmingly adopted an opinion paper urging an immediate halt to ongoing work for the construction of a new U.S. base in the sea off the Henoko district in Nago City.

The Japanese Communist Party and six other party groups, including the former Liberal Democratic Party faction (Shinpukai) and the Komei Party, jointly submitted this paper.

Prior to the vote, JCP assemblyperson Furugen Shigeharu in support of the document said, “An administration ignoring popular demand has no future. Okinawans will beat back the unreasonable imposition of another U.S. base as sought by the Japanese and U.S. governments.”

The note approved on this day strongly criticizes the central government for “suppressing residents’ justifiable protest actions at sea and for high-handedly pushing ahead with” the work.

It reads, “Prime Minister Abe dismissed on sight a petition undersigned by all municipal heads and all prefectural and city assembly chairs in Okinawa. He completely ignores the demand of Nago City Mayor Inamine Susumu standing firm against the hosting of a new base and the voices of opposition raised by 73.6% of Okinawans. This is a vicious act of violence against democracy.”

It also demands that the U.S. Futenma base (Ginowan City) be closed and removed as early as possible.

Past related articles:
> Anti-base mayor’s re-election is Okinawans’ verdict [January 21, 2014]
> Okinawan delegation directly urges PM Abe to remove Osprey [January 29, 2013]
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