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HOME  > 2014 November 12 - 18
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2014 November 12 - 18 [POLITICS]

7,000 people rally near Diet calling for Abe’s resignation

November 12, 2014
About 7,000 citizens staged rallies on November 11 around the Diet building, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Abe Shinzo who is trying to turn Japan into a country that can wage wars abroad.

This action was organized by two civic groups opposing war and advocating protection of the pacifist Constitution.

In front of the main gate of the Diet building, lawyer Yamagishi Ryota spoke on behalf of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA). “War is the most serious human rights violation which must be avoided at all cost,” he stressed.

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo noted in his speech that the Abe Cabinet decision to enable Japan to exercise the right to collective self-defense goes against the war-renouncing Constitution. “Let’s confront the administration with people’s voices seeking retraction of the Cabinet decision and a halt to any preparatory work to put the decision into practice,” he said.

A 50-year-old male worker from Kanagawa’s Yokosuka City said, “PM Abe is turning a deaf ear to the general public. I will continue to raise my voice to block his attempt to drag Japan into U.S. wars.”

A 37-year-old woman from Saitama City said, “I feel scared because of the government’s high-handed attitude. A democratic government should listen to the public and sincerely deal with their anger and anxieties. I’ll work together with many people to bring down the Abe Cabinet.”

Past related article:
> 5,500 people rally to protect Article 9 and demand PM Abe’s resignation [September 5, 2014]
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