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HOME  > 2014 December 17 - 23
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2014 December 17 - 23 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Citizens protest NRA’s approval of draft report confirming safety of Takahama NPP

December 18, 2014
Members of a civic group staged a rally on December 17 in front of the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) office building, in protest against the authority’s approval of a draft report stating that the Nos. 3 and 4 reactors at the Takahama Nuclear Power Plant in Fukui Prefecture meet the state’s new safety standards.

This is the second time for the NRA to give its OK to a draft report on the safety of nuclear reactors following that for Kagoshima’s Sendai NPP in July. At present, all 48 atomic reactors in Japan are offline.

The regulatory body is set to officially endorse the safety of the two reactors at the Takahama complex after a monthlong solicitation of public opinions regarding the screening documents.

In the gathering, Sakagami Takeshi, representing the citizens’ group, pointed out that the draft shows no countermeasures against water contaminated with radioactive substances in the event of a severe accident and gives no consideration to whether the neighboring municipalities have reliable evacuation plans for residents. “The NRA and the plant operator have totally disregarded the lessons learned from the 2011 Fukushima disaster,” he said.

Japanese Communist Party lawmaker Fujino Yasufumi, who was newly elected in the Lower House election this month, said, “The draft report is based on the assumption of reactivating the Takahama nuclear power station. Together with local residents, I’ll do everything I can to block the resumption of operations.”

Past related article:
> Court rejects application for injunction against restarting of nuclear reactors [November 28, 2014]
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