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HOME  > 2009 September 16 - 20
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2009 September 16 - 20 [OKINAWA]

Okinawans demanding U.S. air base construction plan cancelled

September 19, 2009
About 550 people in Okinawa Prefecture held a rally in front of the Prefectural Office in Naha City on September 18, calling for the U.S. Marine Corps Futenma Air Station to be shut down immediately and for the plan to construct a state-of-the-art U.S. air base at Henoko in Nago City to be cancelled.

Participants urged the new government of Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio to honor the demand of the Okinawan majority that sent a clear “No” to the new base plan in the recent House of Representatives general election.

The rally was called by the Okinawa Prefectural Conference against Military Base Relocation within Okinawa, which consists of the Okinawa Prefectural Liaison Council for United Action for Abrogation of the Security Treaty and the Okinawa Peace Movement Center.

Representatives of the Japanese Communist, Democratic, Social Democratic, and Social Mass parties attended the rally.

Speaking on behalf of the JCP, House of Representatives member Akamine Seiken stated that whether or not the new government will decide to cancel the new base plan depends on the strength of Okinawans’ struggle.

“Let’s work harder to force the new government to officially declare the new air base plan canceled before the end of this year,” Akamine added.

Ashitomi Hiroshi of the Nago Council against the Construction of U.S. On-Sea Heliport called on citizens to make every effort to free Okinawans from the dangers associated with the new base and Futenma’s controversial base.

After the rally, participants marched in demonstration, chanting, “Stop the plan to push ahead with the rigged environmental impact assessment” and “Freeze the budget for the new base plan!”
- Akahata, September 19, 2009
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