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HOME  > 2015 August 12 - 18
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2015 August 12 - 18 [POLITICS]

3 ministers, 161 lawmakers visit Yasukuni Shrine on Aug. 15

August 16, 2015
Prime Minister Abe Shinzo on August 15, the day marking the end of WWII, refrained from visiting the controversial shrine of Yasukuni but made cash offerings called “tamagushi-ryo” through his assistant with his own money.

The assistant conveyed to reporters a message from the prime minister that he offers continued gratitude for the spirits of the war dead and the Yasukuni Shrine.

The shrine in question has a peculiar interpretation of history glorifying Japan’s past war of aggression as a just war for Asian liberation. To dedicate offerings to such a religious entity signifies that the prime minister himself shares the same perception of history.

Internal Affairs Minister Takaichi Sanae, National Public Safety Commissioner Yamatani Eriko, and Minister for the Empowerment of Women Arimura Haruko visited the war-glorifying shrine on this day in addition to 161 Dietmembers of the Liberal Democratic Party, the Democratic Party of Japan, the Japan Innovation Party, and the Party for Future Generations.

After worshipping at the shrine, Takaichi said to reporters, “I’ve offered my deepest feelings of gratitude with respect to those who sacrificed themselves for the nation.”

Past related articles:
> PM Abe again tries Asian nations’ patience [April 22, 2015]
> Abe claims it natural for national leader to visit Yasukuni Shrine [February 18, 2015]
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