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HOME  > 2015 August 19 - 25
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2015 August 19 - 25 [JCP]

All 5 JCP candidates win in Morioka City Assembly election

August 25, 2015
All five Japanese Communist Party candidates won in the Morioka City Assembly election in Iwate Prefecture on August 23, maintaining the party’s pre-election strength in the assembly.

The victory brought about by their antiwar campaign speeches will deal a heavy blow to the Abe government which intends to ram the war legislation through the Diet.

All five candidates combined received 14,884 votes (12.49% of total votes cast), up about 3,000 votes from the previous election.

During the election campaign, they spoke out against the controversial war bills now being discussed in the Diet. Informing Morioka citizens of the fact that Liberal Democratic Party and Komei Party assemblypersons hampered the city assembly from adopting an antiwar resolution, the JCP candidates called on voters to work together with them to defeat the bills.

A man called the JCP prefectural committee and said, “I don’t know anything about the JCP, but I voted for one of your candidates because I’m opposed to war.” A 91-year-old man said, “I submitted my antiwar ballot for the JCP.” An Iwate University student said that he went and listened to the JCP candidates in a speech meeting because he wants to protect the war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution.

The JCP promised during the campaign to oppose the war legislation, provide free medical services to children up to 15 years old, and reduce nursing-care insurance premiums and care usage fees.
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