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2015 September 2 - 8 [POLITICS]

Campaign against war legislation increasing momentum

September 7, 2015
As lawmakers are discussing the Abe government-sponsored war legislation, public opposition to the legislation is growing stronger. On September 6, university students and researchers jointly staged a street action in Tokyo’s busy shopping district of Shinjuku with more than 12,000 people participating.

This action was organized by the student group called “SEALDs” (Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy-s) and an academics’ organization opposing the national security-related bills. Braving the heavy rain, nine researchers and students gave speeches in turn at the pedestrian mall near Shinjuku Station.

Kurisu Yuki, 21-year-old university student, said, “It is complete nonsense that even when Japan is not under armed attack, Japan is allowed to regard another country as its ‘enemy’ and attack it. I was raised to live a peaceful life, not to kill other people. It is totally irresponsible of PM Abe to claim that he will protect lives while pushing forward with the war bills.”

Another student, Sakura, also 21, said, “Some tell me that it is a pipe dream to defend a nation without using weapons. However, humans have always pursued their ideals and strived to attain them. Holding up an ideal gives us hope and the energy to live. As long as we exercise our rights as sovereigns, those in power will not be able to suppress our freedom.”

Former President of the Science Council of Japan (SCJ) Hirowatari Seigo said, “The Abe government is about to infringe upon Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution which represents Japanese people’s promise never to make war again as well as their hope for never being mobilized by authorities for wars. If this legislation is enacted, the central government may force universities to engage in military research. In order to protect academic freedom, we must block its enactment at any cost.”

This action was joined by representatives of opposition parties. Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo stated in his speech in solidarity, “Even though the ruling parties hold a majority in the Diet, they have no right to pass the unconstitutional measures. Let’s unite our efforts to kill the war bills.”

On the same day, another rally opposing the war legislation took place on the campus of Waseda University in Tokyo with 350 students and faculty members taking part. Following the rally, they paraded along the busy streets and joined the demonstrators near Shinjuku Station.

Over the weekend, various protest actions took place across the country. On September 4, unions and civic groups in Saitama Prefecture held a rally in front of Omiya Station with about 15,000 people participating. On September 5, responding to a call from the Aichi Bar Association, around 6,000 citizens took part in a protest rally held at a park in Nagoya City.
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