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HOME  > 2009 September 9 - 15
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2009 September 9 - 15 [JCP]

JCP holds assembly to mark its 87th anniversary

September 10, 2009
At the public assembly commemorating the Japanese Communist Party’s 87th anniversary on September 9 at Hibiya Public Hall in Tokyo, JCP Chair Shii Kazuo spoke about the JCP’s achievement in the August 30 House of Representatives general election and the JCP’s constructive engagement in the new political situation.

Regarding the recent general election in which the ruling coalition, the Liberal Democratic and Komei parties, suffered a crushing defeat, Shii welcomed the result by saying, “An end of the LDP-Komei administration is a major first step towards a more progressive Japanese government.”

Shii emphasized, “The LDP-way of politics characterized by the “two root-causes” of adverse policies, which is pro-business and subservience to the Japan-U.S. military alliance, no longer has power and the collapse of such an obsolete policy is taking place. This is the historical meaning of this general election.”

Giving an explanation of Japanese political history from the LDP’s foundation in 1955 by dividing it into three periods, Shii said that the JCP always made progress in its party history with major efforts during each period.

Under the new government expected to be led by the Democratic Party of Japan, Shii pointed out that public opinion and actions along with the JCP’s efforts are the most important key to pushing the new political climate in a more progressive direction, and appealed to participants to build a strong party by saying, “The direction of the future of Japan depends on our efforts. Now it is the time where the JCP, a pioneer in Japanese progressive history, comes into play.”

Tomioka Noriko (34) from Kanagawa Prefecture, who experienced first hand the mass lay-offs of temporary workers by large corporations, said, “With its constructive engagement, I want the JCP to succeed in revising the Worker Dispatch Law drastically, restoring additional welfare benefits to single-mother families, and abolishing the discriminatory medical services for the elderly aged 75 and over. I really feel the need for more JCP seats.”
- Akahata, September 10, 2009
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