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2015 November 11 - 17 TOP3 [LABOR]

Zenroren holds symposium on international solidarity among labor movements around the world

November 14-16, 2015
The National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren) for the first time since 2000 held an international symposium for three days from November 13 in Tokyo to exchange the experiences of Japanese and foreign labor unions in their struggles against tyrannical labor practices of global companies and in their efforts to establish decent work rules.

In addition to panelists from the United States, South Korea, France, India, Australia, and Indonesia, about 140 people including Zenroren union members and researchers took part in the symposium.

On the first day, Zenroren Secretary General Inoue Hisashi delivered the keynote address. He pointed out that under the ongoing economic globalization, workers and trade unions in many countries are waging struggles to protect their rights. Inoue also said that more and more global corporations are facing criticism because they earn profits through infringement on operating countries’ sovereignty and rules on social and economic activities. Inoue stressed the need to strengthen international solidarity among labor unions based on each union’s domestic movement.

As a guest speaker, Stephanie Luce, professor of Labor Studies at the Joseph S. Murphy Institute at the City University of New York, gave a lecture titled, “Labor movement and global viewpoint.”

The professor pointed out that with voices against neoliberalism policies becoming stronger, the labor movement needs to play an important role. She went on to say that given that multinational firms are creating their supply chain networks worldwide, it is necessary for workers to unite beyond national borders.

During the next two days, the panelists from Zenroren, the General Confederation Workers (CGT) of France, the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), the Korean Confederation Trade Unions (KCTU), the Confederation of Indonesian Prosperity Trade Unions (KSBSI), the New Trade Union Initiative of India (NTUI), and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) of the U.S. gave their reports about the following themes: how to achieve decent work rules and defend labor standards for all workers; fight against multinational corporations; and development of international solidarity. Based on the reports, the participants exchanged information and views.

On the final day, Zenroren Secretary General Inoue in conclusion said, “Under the globalization of corporate activities, what is important is to secure workers’ minimum working conditions and improve social protection systems.” He called on the participants to enhance international solidarity, eradicate poverty and social inequality, and create a society where people can work under decent working conditions without fear for terrorism and wars.
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