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2015 November 25 - December 1 [POLITICS]

Fuwa at press club calls for departure from LDP’s hold on politics

November 25, 2015
Former Japanese Communist Party Chair Fuwa Tetsuzo on November 24 at the Japan National Press Club in Tokyo spoke as a guest speaker about the oligarchic way of carrying out politics by the present Liberal Democratic Party.

Fuwa pointed out that the LDP is exhibiting its dangerous nature more than ever before, citing the forcible enactment of the controversial security legislation in September, the ongoing project to forcibly build yet another U.S. base in Okinawa, and the plan to ratify a strongly opposed multilateral free trade pact.

The ex-chair said that the LDP in the past had the capacity to listen and respond to criticism to some extent. “The LDP used to be a confederation of a spectrum of conservatives, having much more flexibility in considering its policies,” he said.

“The LDP has, however, changed its colors,” he went on to say, “This is partly due to the single-seat constituency system.”

The number of votes the party received in the general election decreased to 17.66 million (33% of the votes cast) in 2014 from 24.56 million (47%) in 1972. The ratio of votes to voters was halved to 17% from 34%. The LDP can hold onto its majority in the Diet thanks to single-seat electoral districts.

On top of that, the LDP leadership holds the authority to nominate candidates for national elections. Because of this, those who want to run for election on the LDP ticket have stopped giving opinions that are critical of some party positions.

Fuwa pointed out that this is another indication that the LDP characteristics have changed, adding, “The current state of ‘one strong party’ politics is literally an extremely conservative oligarchy of the LDP.”

He emphasized that it is time for Japan to overcome the narrow-minded course the present LDP is taking and to ensure a better future for Japan.

Past related article:
> Fuwa on BS TV criticizes Abe for disregarding post-war Japan’s principle of popular sovereignty [July 9, 2015]
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