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2015 December 23 - 2016 January 5 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Number of teachers on sick leave due to mental fatigue shows no decline

December 26, 2015
The number of public school teachers who took sick leave due to mental disorders exceeded 5,000 for six consecutive years, revealed annual survey results that the Education Ministry released on December 25.

The ministry surveyed 920,000 teachers at public elementary, junior, and senior high schools, and at schools for special needs education throughout the nation.

In FY2014, the number of teachers who were out of work due to illness stood at 8,277. Of them, 61% or 5,045 teachers took sick leave due to emotional distress. Of the 5,045 teachers, 40% were on medical leave for more than one year and about 20% gave up their career when FY2015 started on April 1.

All Japan Teachers and Staffs Union (Zenkyo) Secretary General Obata Masako pointed out that the number of teachers taking sick leave due to mental distress increased more than fourfold in the past two decades. As the major contributing factor, Obata cited teachers’ excessively heavy workloads and long working hours associated with staff shortages.

The Zenkyo secretary general said that teachers are totally exhausted because they are required to spend many hours after school to teach supplementary classes or supervise club activities, and are experiencing tighter administrative control under the Abe government’s policy to “revitalize education”.

Noting that among teachers on sick leave in their 20s, 70% suffered mental disorders, Obata said this issue should be taken seriously. She went on to say that the need now is to increase the number of teachers and to provide to teachers an environment that allows them to be devoted to teaching as a respected and valued professional.

Past related articles:
> Teachers taking sick leave due to mental fatigue on the rise [January 31, 2015]
> 5,000 teachers take sick days due to emotional distress [December 18, 2013]
> Many school teachers suffering from mental distress [December 25, 2012]
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