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HOME  > 2009 August 26 - September 1
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2009 August 26 - September 1 [POLITICS]

JCP as highly capable of policy planning on science and technology

August 27, 2009
A non-profit organization of researchers, the “Science Communication”, posted on its website an assessment of the science and technology policies of political parties and said that the Japanese Communist Party puts forward highly viable policy alternatives.

On the question of difficulties arising from excessive post-graduate doctorate holders, it sees the JCP policy concerned as realistic and specific, as well as reflective of the voices of researchers on the job. It also pointed out that the JCP is the only party referring to the practices of harassment at institutions of learning and research.

The scientists’ group also looks favorably on the JCP proposal for increases in scholarships and call for tuition-free higher education.
- Akahata, August 27, 2009
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