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HOME  > 2007 December 19 - 2008 January 8
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2007 December 19 - 2008 January 8 [LABOR]

Labor ministry to order staffing agency to stop double dispatches of temp workers

January 8, 2008
It was revealed on January 7 that the Labor Ministry was planning to order a logistics company to stop sending temp workers originally dispatched from a major temp staff agency to another company in violation of the Worker Dispatch Law.

Sagawa Global Logistics Co. (SGL) allegedly sent about 10,000 temp workers from Goodwill Inc. to warehouses of another company in Shizuoka Prefecture between October 2004 and August 2007.

Goodwill has been notified that it will be punished for the illegal practice.

Dispatching temp workers to a third party company is prohibited under the Employment Security Law because it obscures the employer’s responsibility and holds down worker’s wages due to the double intermediary exploitation.

The Labor Ministry is authorized by the Worker Dispatch Law to order staffing agencies to improve management of temp workers in case of illegal practices.

An Akahata report in October 2007 exposed an illegal double dispatch case involving Goodwill in Chiba Prefecture.
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