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HOME  > 2016 March 9 - 15
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2016 March 9 - 15 [POLITICS]

Election cooperation to repeal war laws agreed upon in Shikoku

March 10, 2016
Four opposition parties, including the Japanese Communist Party, on March 9 signed an agreement that they will field a joint candidate who pledges to work to repeal the war legislation in a single-seat constituency in the Shikoku region in the House of Councilors election scheduled for this summer.

The JCP, the Democratic Party of Japan, the Social Democratic Party, and the New Socialist Party of Japan have chosen lawyer Onishi So as the joint candidate in the election district covering the two prefectures of Tokushima and Kochi. He will wage his campaign as an independent. Mikajiri Ryoko, who was to compete with Onishi as a JCP candidate in the constituency, will run in the proportional representation block in this summer’s Upper House election.

Representatives of the four opposition parties along with Onishi and Mikajiri attended a signing ceremony held on the same day in Tokushima City.

Under the signed agreement, Onishi will work to abolish the war legislation and the Cabinet decision legalizing Japan’s use of the collective self-defense right and restore constitutionalism. The agreement stipulates that if elected, the joint candidate will refrain from joining factions in the Diet.

Onishi in the ceremony expressed his determination to win the election, saying, “I will bring back a Japan where people play the leading role in politics, the government serves the general public, and the administration abides by the Constitution. I will devote my efforts to achieve these goals.”

Mikajiri said that she will work hard to obtain a Diet seat from the proportional representation block.

Past related articles:
> JCP will back DPJ candidate in Nagano to oppose LDP candidate [March 8, 2016]
> JCP in Miyagi will back DPJ candidate for Upper House election [March 3, 2016]
> JCP and DPJ in Hokkaido will field joint candidate in Lower House by-election [February 20, 2016]
> Opposition parties in Kumamoto agree to field joint candidate in Upper House election [December 20, 2015]
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