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HOME  > 2016 March 9 - 15
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2016 March 9 - 15 [LABOR]

Eliminate poverty by raising minimum wages: union workers

March 10, 2016
Just before the due date for response from most companies to union demands in this year’s spring wage talks (shunto), about 2,000 union workers on March 9 staged a one-day action in Tokyo braving a cold rain.

This action was organized by the National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren) and the People’s Spring Struggle Joint Committee.

At a rally held at the Hibiya Amphitheater, Zenroren President Odagawa Yoshikazu spoke on behalf of the organizing committee. “Let’s fight together to demand substantial increases in all workers’ wages, equal treatment between regular and non-regular employees, and the introduction of a nationwide uniform minimum wage system,” he said.

A representative of the All Japan Teachers and Staff Union (Zenkyo) said, “A growing number of children are suffering from poverty and are deprived of the right to education. We’ll continue to work to resolve the serious issues in regard to unstable employment and high education costs.”

A member of the Japan Federation of Medical Workers’ Unions (Iroren) said, “Many nurses are overworked due to labor shortages. Under such circumstances, it is extremely difficult to protect patients’ health and lives.”

Lawyer Utsunomiya Kenji, former president of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, gave a speech in solidarity. “Wages should enable workers to live decent lives. Popular movements calling for minimum wage increases are mounting around the world. They are fighting for social and economic justice,” he stressed.

Following the rally, participants paraded through the wealthy shopping district of Ginza. The demonstration was also joined by members of AEQUITAS, a youth organization campaigning for minimum wage hikes.

Members of the National Federation of Consumers’ Cooperatives Workers’ Unions (Seikyo Roren) marched holding placards that read, “Raise the minimum hourly wage to at least 1,500 yen”.

Past related article:
> Union workers ready themselves for spring wage offensive [January 28, 2016]
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