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HOME  > 2016 March 9 - 15
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2016 March 9 - 15 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

District court issues order stopping operations of Takahama NPP

March 10, 2016
The Otsu District Court on March 9 issued a temporary injunction order stopping operations of Nos 3 and 4 reactors at the Takahama nuclear power plant. This is the first preliminary injunction against an operating nuclear power plant. The Takahama NPP received the second injunction order following the Fukui District Court’s order in April 2015.

The No.4 reactor, which went back online last month, is now under suspension due to a series of problems that emerged. Takahama plant operator, Kansai Electric Power Company (KEPCO), on this day announced that it will shut down the No.3 reactor soon.

The plaintiffs are 29 residents living in Shiga Prefecture which borders the plant-hosting prefecture of Fukui.

The 29 plaintiffs in their court battle criticized KEPCO’s disaster-preparedness plan at the Takahama plant as being totally insufficient. They also argued that if a nuclear accident occurs at the plant, it will contaminate their drinking water source which constitutes a violation of their personal rights. Refuting the plaintiffs’ argument, KEPCO insisted that the Takahama nuclear power station passed the new safety standards set by the Nuclear Regulation Authority after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident in 2011.

Presiding judge Yamamoto Yoshihiko in the ruling pointed out that the new safety standards failed to adopt lessons learned from the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The judge noted concerns regarding the Takahama plant operator’s protective measures against tsunamis and countermeasures against a severe accident and for its low estimation regarding maximum potential seismic movements. He said that the power company neglected to provide sufficient data and explanations regarding these concerns.

At a rally held after the court ruling, representing the plaintiffs’ counsel, lawyer Ido Ken’ichi praised the ruling as properly reflecting the lessons learned from the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The plaintiffs’ group leader, Tsuji Yoshinori said, “I’m really impressed by the court order prohibiting the continued operations of Nos.3 and 4 reactors. I want to thank the court for making this courageous decision.”

Japanese Communist Party Policy Commission Chair Koike Akira in his comment welcomed the court decision as a landmark ruling. In his comment, Koike said, “The Abe government and power companies should take this ruling seriously and give up restarting all off-line nuclear power stations, including the Takahama plant. The JCP will continue to work jointly with the general public to create a ‘zero’ nuclear power Japan.”

Past related articles:
> Residents near Takahama NPP need 7.5 hours to escape from nuclear accident [February 28, 2016]
> Reactivation of Takahama NPP sparks protest actions around countryt [January 30, 2016]
> Fukui district court orders Takahama nuclear power plant to be kept offline [April 15, 2015]
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