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HOME  > 2016 March 16 - 22
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2016 March 16 - 22 [POLITICS]

Labor minister to JCP Takahashi: subsidy program to help corporate downsizing should be revised

March 17, 2016
Labor Minister Shiozaki Yasuhisa on March 16 said that the ministry will revise a government subsidy program in response to a Japanese Communist Party parliamentarian criticizing the program as contributing to corporate downsizing.

JCP member of the House of Representatives Takahashi Chizuko at a House Labor Committee meeting on this day took up the labor mobility support subsidy program.

This program is designed to provide subsidies to big businesses which use human resources companies including temp agencies under their downsizing schemes as a tool to push target workers to find another job.

The JCP has criticized the program for being introduced by Prime Minister Abe’s lapdog advisor Takenaka Heizo, who is also the chairman of Japan’s leading temp agency, Pasona.

JCP Takahashi in the meeting pointed to the fact that in 2015, the number of subsidized firms doubled to 270 from the previous year while the number of laid-off workers at those firms tripled to 6,650. It is unforgivable for the government to support corporate downsizing, said Takahashi.

Labor Minister Shiozaki replied, “I’ve received a report about abuses in this program. It is necessary to revise the program after discussing proposals on this matter.”

Past related article:
> Human resources business expects golden opportunity under Abe’s labor policy [September 11, 2013]
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