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2016 March 30 - April 5 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

PM expresses his intention to create grant-type scholarship program

March 31, 2016
Prime Minister Abe Shinzo on March 29 at a press conference expressed his intention to introduce a grant-type scholarship program. The PM also hinted at the possibility of establishing tight financial requirements for applicants while providing no detailed information including when the grant-type program will start.

Students in Japan have no option other than loan-type “scholarship” programs. Until recently, PM Abe turned his back on the public demand for the creation of a grant-type program by proclaiming that in order to launch such a program, it is necessary to discuss various matters such as ways to secure financial resources and determine recipients.

As the House of Councilors election is approaching, a growing public movement and opposition parties’ efforts including the Japanese Communist Party proposal have most likely influenced the PM to change his approach to the matter.

Past related articles:
> Rally for better scholarship program joined by both opposition and ruling party lawmakers [ March 23, 2016]
> Young people in Japan are struggling with repayment of so-called ‘scholarship’ loans [February 23, 2016]
> Create grant-type scholarship system at once: JCP Miyamoto [February 18, 2014]
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