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HOME  > 2016 June 8 - 14
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2016 June 8 - 14 [JCP]

Shii protests Chinese warship’s entry into CZ around Senkaku Islands

June 10, 2016
Before dawn on June 9, a Chinese naval vessel entered the contiguous zone around the Senkaku Islands of Okinawa Prefecture. This is the first time for a Chinese warship to enter that zone. On the same day, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo issued the following statement in protest against the entry:

The Senkaku Islands are a part of the Japanese territory in light of historical facts and international law. It is a matter of serious concern that a Chinese naval vessel entered the contiguous zone for the first time.

The entry of a warship into the disputed waters will just lead to increasing military tensions and hinder the peaceful settlement of the Senkaku issue.

The Japanese Communist Party strongly protests China’s action and urges it not to repeat such conduct.

Past related article:
> This week’s JCP international activities [May 26 & 28, 2016]
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