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2016 June 15 - 21 [POLITICS]

JCP ranks first in delivering petition signatures to Diet

June 17, 2016
During the 190th ordinary session of the Diet (between January 4 and June 1), about 25.4 million or 63.3% of all petition signatures were submitted to the Diet with the support from the Japanese Communist Party standing first among political parties. This indicates how close the JCP connects with public movements at the grass-roots level and how hard it works to realize people’s demands.

Signatures handed to the JCP represent people’s struggles over various issues, such as the war laws; Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution; government measures concerning childcare, education, and child-rearing services; nuclear power generation; the establishment of an across-the-board minimum wage system; the Henoko base construction; the system of public subsidies to political parties; and the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact.

In the last ordinary session, the number of signatures presented to the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors via political parties totaled 39,982,000, up about 10 million from the 2015 ordinary Diet session. Signatures introduced by the Liberal Democratic Party accounted for 10.81% of the total and the Komei Party for 1.17%.

Looking at signatures calling for the repeal of the war laws and the defense of the Constitution, 64.9% of 13,347,000 signatures were delivered to the Diet through the JCP.

Past related articles:
> JCP works as main party carrying public demands to Diet [October 12, 2015]
> 14.3 million petition signatures delivered to Diet via JCP [August 10, 2014]
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