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HOME  > 2010 June 23 - 29
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2010 June 23 - 29 [US FORCES]

Elementary school next to Futenma base conducts plane crash evacuation drill

June 23, 2010
At Futenma DaiNi Elementary School located right next to the U.S. Marine Corps Futenma Air Station, an emergency evacuation drill as preparation for U.S. military plane crashes took place on June 22.

The school conducts the drill every June.

After the alarm bell rang, the following announcement was made: “Just now, a U.S. military aircraft crashed into the school yard. Start to evacuate following your teacher’s instructions.” All pupils left the school building with their handkerchiefs covering their mouths and noses.

When the school kids evacuated the school building, they saw a U.S. Marine Corps KC-130 aircraft flying overhead at a low altitude.

At the area where the teachers and school children gathered after the evacuation, teachers were interrupted by U.S. military planes’ loud noise while they are giving instructions to the students.

The school principal stated, “I want the Futenma base to be removed without further delay. Relocating the base to the Henoko district of Nago City makes no change in Okinawa’s burdens of military bases.”

Other elementary schools near the Futenma base and elementary and junior high schools near the U.S. Air Force Kadena Base also conduct similar evacuation drills.
- Akahata, June 23, 2010
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