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HOME  > 2016 June 22 - 28
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2016 June 22 - 28 [POLITICS]

Battle of Okinawa ceremony held amid calls for reduction in US base burdens

June 24, 2016
Okinawa Governor Onaga Takeshi on June 23 demanded a drastic revision of the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) and the withdrawal of U.S. marines from the prefecture at a ceremony commemorating more than 200,000 people killed during the 1945 Battle of Okinawa.

This annual ceremony took place at the Okinawa Peace Memorial Park in Itoman City in the aftermath of a brutal murder involving an ex-U.S. marine. About 4,700 people including Prime Minister Abe Shinzo and heads of both Houses of the Diet attended the ceremony.

Reading out the peace declaration, Governor Onaga glanced sharply at the prime minister and said that outrageous incidents and accidents have frequently occurred due to the U.S. military presence. “The people of Okinawa are greatly shocked, concerned, and resentful over the most resent inhumane and brutal incident,” the governor added.

Calling for a fundamental revision of the SOFA and a reduction in the U.S. military forces, including the marines, Onaga said that Okinawans cannot tolerate the government assertion that the construction of a Henoko base as an alternative to the Futenma base is the only solution.

Okinawa Association for War Bereaved Families Chair Miyagi Atumasa in his commemorative speech said that the U.S. Futenma base should be removed without delay. He also said that bereaved families will never accept another U.S. base.

PM Abe in his speech cited the latest vicious rape and murder by an ex-U.S. marine. He explained that the two governments are in the final phase of negotiations over an amendment to the SOFA so that civilian employees at U.S. bases will be excluded from the agreement. He tried to show how he is making efforts to prevent a recurrence of such crimes. However, after the ceremony when asked about the Futenma base relocation he again indicated his stance supporting the Henoko base construction.


Early in the morning on this day, about 20 officers of the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force visited a monument glorifying Imperial Japanese army chief, Ushijima Mitsuru who ordered his troops and Okinawans to fight to the last in the Battle of Okinawa. It is pointed out that due to his order, one in four Okinawans were killed in the battle. The monument is situated on a hill near the peace park.

The GSDF explained that the visit is “an informal event held during off-duty hours”. However, all the 20 officers dressed in their official uniforms.

Past related articles:
> At least 1,600 Japanese killed in US military-related incidents after the war [May 27, 2016]
> Serious crimes by US personnel occur more than once a month in Okinawa [May 26, 2016]
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