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2016 August 3 - 9 [PEACE]

Nihon Hidankyo holds ceremony to celebrate 60th anniversary

August 9, 2016
The Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo) on August 8 held a reception in Nagasaki City to celebrate the 60th anniversary of its founding.

Hidankyo was formed in 1956 by Hibakusha who gathered at the 2nd World Conference against A and H Bombs in Nagasaki.

Hidankyo Secretary General Tanaka Terumi on behalf of the organizer delivered a speech. He said, “A call for creating a treaty to ban nuclear weapons has developed into a major global movement and an open-ended UN working group has been convened. With this development, Hidankyo resolved to create a big wave in the world community by promoting the newly-launched ‘International Signature Campaign in support of the Appeal of Hibakusha for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons’.”

Tanaka gave a slide-show presentation focusing on the Hibakusha movement to reveal how inhumane nuclear weapons are, seek the ban and abolition of nuclear weapons, and demand state compensation for all A-bomb survivors”.

Referring to Hidakyo’s 60-year history as shown in the presentation, Tanaka appealed to the participants for their cooperation in the signature campaign.

Japan Council against A & H Bombs (Japan Gensuikyo) representative director Taka Hiroshi and overseas delegates of the 2016 World Conference against A & H Bombs in their speeches expressed their determination to work even harder to promote the signature-collection drive.

Past related article:
> 60-year-old Hidankyo resolves to achieve success of international signature campaign [June 16 & 17, 2016]
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