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2016 August 17 - 23 TOP3 [PEACE]

PM Abe voices objection to America’s ‘no first use’ nuclear weapons policy

August 17, 2016
Japan’s Prime Minister Abe Shinzo conveyed his objection to President Obama declaring a “no first use” nuclear-weapons policy by saying that such a policy will weaken deterrence, according to several high-ranking U.S. government officials cited in a Washington Post article published on August 16.

Secretary General of the Japan Council against A & H Bombs (Japan Gensuikyo) Yasui Masakazu issued a statement regarding this news.

In the statement, Yasui stressed that it is legitimate to ban the use of nuclear weapons considering the inhumane and devastating consequences the weapons bring about. This has repeatedly been confirmed at the UN General Assembly and other international political arena, he pointed out.

The Gensuikyo secretary general criticized PM Abe for using “deterrence” to justify the use of nuclear arms, and said that the prime minister’s attitude will not only heighten tension in the Asian region but also raise the risk of actually using atomic weapons.

Noting that PM Abe at ceremonies in the A-bombed cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki proclaimed that he will “continue to make various efforts to bring about a ‘world free of nuclear weapons’”, Yasui said, “What the PM said goes against the demand of the people of the world for the abolition of nuclear weapons.”

Yasui said that PM Abe should change his position completely and take a lead in supporting global movements working for the elimination of nuclear weapons. To achieve this, the newly-launched signature-collection campaign in support of Hibakusha’s appeal will play a major role, he added. Yasui expressed his determination to work hard to promote the signature drive.

Past related articles:
> Hibakusha press PM to support call for nuclear abolition [August 7, 2016]
> 60-year-old Hidankyo resolves to achieve success of international signature campaign [June 16 & 17, 2016]
> Take effective measures to eliminate nuclear weapons [December 16, 2015]
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