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2016 August 24 - 30 [JCP]

Monthly braille Akahata reaches 500th issue

August 28, 2016
The braille version of Akahata this month reached its 500th issue after it was first published in January 1975 in response to strong calls from the visually impaired. This monthly Akahata is the only braille periodical issued by a political party in Japan.

Each issue of the braille Akahata is around 60 pages long and covers various topics including social movements working for political change, activities of the Japanese Communist Party, and social movements of persons with visual impairment. It also features science articles and travel guides.

This month’s issue carries a story about a reader living in Niigata Prefecture who helped the braille version of Akahata obtain subscribers. According to the story, the reader, Hayashi Masami, was shocked to know that the monthly braille Akahata is losing readership. He remembered how excited he was at the introduction of the braille Akahata. Hayashi decided to do something to help increase subscribers to the paper which came into existence to meet requests from blind people.

Hayashi in June succeeded in persuading eight of his friends to subscribe to the braille Akahata by sending sample copies and letters to them. In addition, he encouraged five people to join the JCP in April and May. Hayashi said, “I’m proud that I can receive the 500th issue of the braille Akahata. I will keep working to help Akahata obtain more readers.”

In order to protect the rights and livelihoods of the visually impaired, braille Akahata has been providing useful information based on daily Akahata articles and its motto, “When people suffer, that is when Akahata has a role to play”.

Past related article:
> Audio Sunday Akahata, the torch blazing the path for the visually-challenged [June 14, 2015]
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