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HOME  > 2016 September 21 - 27
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2016 September 21 - 27 [POLITICS]

Japan and US sign revised agreement to step up logistic cooperation

September 27, 2016
Japan and the United States on September 26 signed a revised Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement in order to expand logistic cooperation between Japan’s Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. Forces. The Abe government made this revision in line with the war legislation enacted in September last year.

The two nations first concluded the ACSA to share ammunition, fuel, provisions, and encampments in logistic activities. Through two revisions in the past, the bilateral treaty has become applicable to a wider range of situations.

The latest revision follows the enactment of the war legislation which aims to enable the SDF to participate in U.S.-led wars anywhere in the world. Under the new agreement, the U.S. military will be able to obtain logistics supports from the SDF when exercising the self-defense right collectively with Japan, as well as when taking part in UN Peace Keeping Operations or a multinational force.

In addition, the revised ACSA will allow the SDF and the U.S. Forces to share fuel and other materials flexibly at the unit level. Under the previous agreement, the two parties were able to exchange ammunition only when Japan is under attack. The new accord abolishes this restriction and thus ammunition will be shared in, for example, Japan-U.S. joint military exercises.

The Abe government seeks to obtain parliamentary approval to the revised ACSA in the current session of the Diet.
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