Japan Press Service Co., Ltd. is the only news agency providing information of progressive, democratic movements in Japan
Change government policies that favor Japanese business circles and U.S. On NHKfs gSundayfs Debateh program, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo pointed out that despite some positive changes being introduced due to public pressure calling for a new direction in politics, the governmentfs pro-business and pro-U.S. stance remains unchanged.
Ozawa fails to respond to public questions over alleged use of political funds: Akahata editorial In regard to the disclosure of the uncovered fact of where the vast amount of political funds came from, Ozawa himself has not provided sufficient explanation to clear allegations of his involvement. The truth must be revealed before the public.
Relocating USMC base to Okinawafs Shimoji-jima cannot be accepted When Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirano Hirobumi inspected airports from the air on Shimoji-jima and Ie-jima islands in Okinawa Prefecture on January 10, he saw flags fluttering expressing opposition to his inspection of potential candidate sites as a replacement for the U.S. Marine Corps Futenma Air Station within Okinawa.