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 Okinawans form new group to prevent Okinawa from again being used as a battlefield (September 25, 2023)
 'Femi-Bridge Action' launched (September 24, 2023)
 Japan should work to achieve SDGs, not promote military buildup[Editorial] (September 22, 2023)
 Koike urges Kishida gov’t to swiftly convene extra-Diet session to tackle cost of living crisis (September 20, 2023)
 Pro-Yasukuni force makes up most of reshuffled Kishida Cabinet (September 18, 2023)
 Local assemblypersons' group against Henoko base project formed in Okinawa (September 18, 2023)
 Japan-ROK, ROK-Japan parliamentarians' unions adopt joint statement (September 16, 2023)
 Civil Alliance again calls on opposition parties to unite to counter LDP-Komei coalition (September 15, 2023)
 \431 billion already spent for only 15% of landfill work for Henoko base project (September 14, 2023)
 PM Kishida in cabinet reshuffle neglects his responsibility to cut LDP-Moonies connections (September 14, 2023)
 JCP Iwabuchi: Gov’t should stop ocean release and instead examine better ways to safely dispose of Fukushima wastewater (September 9, 2023)
 Sitting ex-LDP Dietmember arrested for bribery[Editorial] (September 8, 2023)
 LDP/Komei in closed-door talks agree to allow Japan’s export of next-gen fighters being developed in trinational project (September 7, 2023)
  Supreme Court virtually okays soft-ground improvement work for new US base in Okinawa  (September 5, 2023)
 Candidate who confirms policies with JCP elected as Tachikawa City mayor (September 5, 2023)
 Over 360K signatures opposing implementation of sales tax invoice system submitted (September 5, 2023)
 Opposition-backed incumbent Iwate governor wins 5th term in election (September 4, 2023)
 Defense Ministry requests record-high budget allocation of 7.7 trillion yen[Editorial] (September 3, 2023)
  JCP in Osaka calls for cancellation of cost-prohibitive 2025 World Expo  (August 31, 2023)
 Koike: Kishida gov’t should stop ocean discharge of Fukushima water and hold consultations with Chinese gov’t (August 29, 2023)
 Citizens hold protest against ruling coalition’s hasty move to end Japan’s ban on arms exports (August 24, 2023)
 JCP Chair on the joint statement by Japan, US, and South Korea: JCP opposes move to create a new military framework (August 20, 2023)
 'Ishin' party identifies with pro-Yasukuni forces (August 17, 2023)
 107 rightwing Dietmembers visit war-glorifying Yasukuni Shrine on day of WWII end (August 16, 2023)
 On 78th anniversary of war’s end, to realize a government preparing for peace is urgently needed[Editorial] (August 15, 2023)
 Civil Alliance to JCP: for policies which fully put into practice Article 9 and 13 of the Constitution (August 11, 2023)
 Shii criticizes remarks LDP vice president made in Taiwan (August 10, 2023)
 JCP Koike: LDP should work to uncover facts behind alleged bribery involving LDP lawmaker (August 5, 2023)
 Komei Party newspaper uses demagogic propaganda against JCP (August 3, 2023)
 Ex-SDF chief calls for use of Yasukuni Shrine to enshrine SDF personnel who may die in future US wars (July 29 & 31, 2023)
 Koike protests ‘Ishin’ head’s unjust attack on JCP (July 27, 2023)
 Koike protests remark by ‘Ishin’ party head ‘JCP should not exist in Japan’ (July 25, 2023)
 Ukraine's use of 'inhumane' cluster bombs unacceptable[Editorial] (July 23, 2023)
 Shii: It is unacceptable for Russia to disturb Ukraine’s grain export via Black Sea (July 20, 2023)
 Japan Gensuikyo criticizes NATO states for their intent to permanently possess nuclear weapons (July 18, 2023)
 PM Kishida signs new cooperative agreement with NATO (July 14, 2023)
 PM Kishida in NATO Summit announces his decision to provide military support to Ukraine[Editorial] (July 14, 2023)
 1 year after fatal shooting of ex-PM Abe[Editorial] (July 8, 2023)
 PM Kishida wants to make Japan NATO associate member (July 9, 2023)
 Shii: Important thing is whether CDPJ is serious about seeking electoral cooperation with pro-Constitution opposition parties (July 7, 2023)
 Shii comments at 1st anniversary of ex-PM Abe's death (July 7, 2023)
 Rise in tax revenues from sales tax pushes up total in national tax revenues (July 5, 2023)
 JCP Koike: CDPJ should retract its leader's remark denying coordinating selection of candidates with JCP for general election (July 4, 2023)
 Defense Ministry purchases 1.5 times more US arms under FMS than previous year (July 4, 2023)
 Rally held to stop Japan from descending into yet again being a 'merchant of death' (June 29, 2023)
 Kami: Int'l community would determine that Japan has become offensive military power (June 24, 2023)
 Okinawa marks 78th anniversary of end of Battle of Okinawa (June 23, 2023)
 Shii: 211th ordinary Diet session exposed unscrupulousness of 4-party coalition (June 22, 2023)
 On occasion of Blinken-Xi talks, both US and China should stop taking military action[Editorial] (June 21, 2023)
 LGBT bill far from eliminating discrimination becomes law (June 16 & 17, 2023)

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