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List of Past issues

 SDF making poison gas in secret (July 6, 2013)
 SDF invasion drills with US forces under guise of ‘defending islets’ (June 29, 2013)
 Maritime law again downplayed in lawsuit over MSDF Aegis crash killing 2 fishermen (June 12, 2013)
 Japan-US joint drill ‘Dawn Blitz’ is an attempt to prepare for wars[Editorial] (June 13, 2013)
 Citizens do not want flight demo of fighter jets over historical city of Nara (May 15, 2013)
 LDP aims to add Marines-like unit to SDF (May 18, 2013)
 Bereaved family wins state compensation for SDF member’s death (April 15, 2013)
 SDF cancels plan to let people hold guns at its events (April 12, 2013)
 Letting civilians hold guns is illegal: citizens file complaint against SDF (April 11, 2013)
 Exposure of children to SDF ranger training exercise violates Geneva treaty (April 8, 2013)
 26 SDF members killed themselves after returning from Iraq (March 21, 2013)
 Mitsubishi Electric pockets profits despite ‘penalty’ (February 20, 2013)
 Residents push DM to remove plutonium from local facility (February 26, 2013)
 Residents’ protest forces closing of SDF training site (February 4, 2013)
 Network formed to shut down Mt. Fuji firing range (February 3 & 5, 2013)
 JCP Ichida opposes move to relax laws on SDF operations abroad  (January 28, 2013)
 DefMin uses Algeria hostage crisis to revise law on SDF activities abroad  (January 20, 2013)
 DM will request budget for Osprey research expenses (January 11, 2013)
 Abe to revise security policy to beef up Japan’s military capability (January 9, 2013)
 Stop wasting tax money on Osprey purchase[Editorial] (January 7, 2013)
 Injured SDF member files against SDF cover-ups (December 18, 2012)
 SDF jointly conducts live-shooting drills with US forces: Okinawa defense bureau official (November 6, 2012)
 Shii laments the death of a young Japanese NGO aid worker in Afghanistan (August 29, 2008 )
 Bullets for self-devotion (August 28, 2008 )
 Block extension of new anti-terrorism special measures law that simply serves U.S. interests[Editorial] (August 29, 2008 )
 PM seeks promotion of dynamic defense cooperation with US  (October 16, 2012)
 Japan responsible for defense of its island: Japan-US agreement (October 14, 2012)
 Put an end to war against terrorism[Editorial] 
 SDF continues illegal collection of citizens’ personal information (September 4, 2012)
 Cancel joint training for SDF to be ready to participate in US wars[Editorial] (August 22, 2012)
 PM echoes LDP call for Japan’s right to collective self-defense (July 29, 2012)
 SDF mobilizes local gov’ts for ‘emergency’ drills (July 28, 2012)
 Air SDF personnel visited Class-A war criminals’ tomb (December 17, 2008 )
 SDF’s anti-piracy operation off Somalia is ineffective (July 17, 2012)
 Ruling parties cling to absurdity of trying to send troops on ‘anti-piracy mission’ to waters near Somalia (January 8, 2009 )
 JCP opposes SDF’s anti-piracy operation in Somalia (January 9, 2009)
 Anti-piracy bill will allow SDF to use force (January 9, 2009 )
 SDF carries out ranger training exercises with changes due to criticism expressed by citizens (June 13, 2012)
 Court rejects residents’ demand for cancelation of SDF ranger training exercise (June 12, 2012)
 Tokyoites file case calling for halt to SDF ranger training exercise (June 6, 2012)
 Gov’t’s intent to deepen military alliance is unacceptable[Editorial] (May 22, 2012)
 JCP calls on SDF to cancel ranger training on residential street (May 24 & 25, 2012)
 Lawmakers urge the defense ministry to revoke its refusal to continue employment of female ASDF member (March 4, 2009)
 Ruling parties OK allowing MSDF to shoot at pirates  (March 5, 2009)
 Peace activists rally in opposition to air tanker deployment to ASDF Komaki Base (March 10, 2009)
 Residents worried about ‘war preparation’ against North Korea’s ‘rocket’ (April 8, 2012)
 Stop deployment of PAC3s (April 6, 2012)
 SDF Joint Staff College ends ‘Yasukuni’-based history lessons (March 18, 2009)
 Review of 5 PKO principles is a step toward the use of force[Editorial] (March 6, 2012)
 Stop ‘anti-piracy’ bill that will pave the way for passage of permanent law to send SDF abroad[Editorial] (April 15, 2009)

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