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 190 Dietmembers rally to have PM give up participating in TPP (April 25, 2012)
 Gov’t should drop out of TPP talks[Editorial] (April 24, 2012)
 5,000 people rally to stop consumption tax increase (April 13, 2012)
 JA-Zenchu president calls on PM to not take part in TPP (April 15&17, 2012)
 Japan suffers deficit of \4.4 trillion in foreign demand-led trade (April 20, 2012)
 Bill to use public funds to rescue ailing banks clears House of Representatives (March 4, 2009 )
 Shii holds meeting with Nishijin silk fabrics producers in Kyoto  (March 8, 2009 )
 USTR presses Japan to ease its food-safety standards (April 4, 2012)
 Pharmaceutical industry workers call on gov’t to give up TPP participation (March 24, 2012)
 140,000 hold nationwide action opposing tax increase (March 14, 2012)
 Gov’t should stop promoting prior negotiations for TPP[Editorial] (March 14, 2012 )
 Gov’t can’t promise to protect Japanese rice from TPP (March 17, 2012)
 Lifting tariffs on 95% of items in TPP will impede Japan’s recovery from 3.11 (March 23, 2012)
 US corporate interests in TPP overshadow Japan’s economy (February 22, 2012)
 Consumption tax hike will lead to decrease in GDP and jobs (February 22, 2012)
 It’s time to break away from ‘capitalism without rules’[Editorial] (May 21, 2009 )
 Agricultural and medical leaders jointly oppose TPP (January 27, 2012)
 ‘Profit before safety’ management promoted by JAL chair Inamori (Part 1) (December 20, 2011)
 ‘Profit before safety’ management promoted by JAL chair Inamori (Part 2) (December 21, 2011)
 TPP threatens access to affordable drugs (December 9, 2011)
 ISDS enables multinationals to sue governments (December 8&9, 2011)
 Top 2 brackets rake in 46% of income in Japan (December 5, 2011)
 Asian nations cool toward TPP (November 26, 2011)
 TPP entry may lead to collapse of local construction firms (November 26, 2011)
 Major shareholders sell their stocks to ‘save’ 3.3 bil. yen in tax breaks (November 24, 2011)
 Entry into TPP will raise drug prices (November 27, 2011)
 TPP lies in background to lifting of ban on on-call temps and manufacturing temps (November 19, 2011)
 Farmers, doctors, consumers, and lawmakers unite to block TPP entry  (November 9, 2011)
 PM must retract decision to enter TPP talks: JCP Shii (November 12, 2011)
 JCP Kasai at Diet exposes US demands on Japan over TPP (November 18, 2011)
 Local assembly chairs raise opposition to TPP (November 17, 2011)
 Noda already caught in TPP controversy (November 16, 2011)
 260 Lawmakers hold rally opposing Japan’s entry into TPP  (November 8, 2011)
  All Dietmembers from Okinawa unite against TPP (November 4, 2011)
 TPP to threaten food safety (November 1, 2011)
 Major papers whip Noda gov’t to enter TPP (October 20, 2011)
 Internet viewers support JCP’s call for higher taxes on the wealthy  (October 20, 2011)
 Don’t fear Japanese farmers opposing TPP: Ex-US Senior Official (October 28, 2011)
 TPP will debilitate Japan’s public healthcare system (October 27, 2011)
 USTR thinks Japanese rules obstructive (October 27, 2011)
 JCP holds nationwide action in concert with farmers’ anti-TPP rally (October 27, 2011)
 Japanese farmers and doctors to jointly block TPP (October 26, 2011)
 Build solidarity among 99% to change economic system[Editorial] (October 26, 2011)
 Entry into TPP questioned by most prefectural assemblies (October 18, 2011)
 International forum opposing TPP held (October 16, 2011)
 JCP publishes appeal opposing Japan’s entry into TPP (October 14, 2011)
 Medical experts at DPJ’s meeting criticize entry into TPP (October 12 & 13, 2011)
 TPP opens gov’t procurement to foreign capital (Part 2) (September 22, 2011)
 TPP opens gov’t procurement to foreign capital (Part 1) (September 21, 2011)
 TPP participation hinders disaster reconstruction efforts (August 28, 2011)

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