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 Inviting of opinions on gov’t nuclear energy policy begun unnoticed (December 24, 2013)
 Residents of ancient Nara opposing construction of monorail near World Heritage (November 24, 2013)
 Environmental NGOs criticize Japan’s new CO2 target  (November 16, 2013)
 Tokyo spent only one day on environmental impact research at Olympics sites (November 8, 2013)
 Construction of arenas for 2020 Tokyo Olympics will destroy green spaces (November 7, 2013)
 Quake could destroy tunnels for linear motor Shinkansen (October 17, 2013)
 Cross-party league in Nara demands alternative energy development (October 20, 2013)
 Abe’s ‘Minamata disease eliminated’ remark receives criticism from victims (October 11, 2013)
 Environmental NPO and Fukushima farmers jointly build solar power plant (October 7, 2013)
 Japan should keep its pledge to world to cut 25% of its greenhouse gas emissions[Editorial] (October 3, 2013)
 Japan’s northernmost city uses alternative energy as major source for electricity  (July 8, 2013)
 Amagasaki air pollution suit ends with car regulations (June 14, 2013)
 Japan should fulfill its duty to curb global warming: JCP Ichida (May 22, 2013)
 Iida City starts supporting residents’ renewable energy generation (April 22, 2013)
 JCP Kami demands transparency from nuclear research center (March 3, 2013)
 Concrete paving work at World Heritage site arouses public anger (February 28, 2013)
 Local residents & firms jointly initiate renewable energy business  (February 25, 2013)
 Petition drive opposing maglev railway construction attracts public attention (January 31, 2013)
 JCP urges Chugoku Electric Power to promote use of renewable energy (January 30, 2013)
 Fukushima farmers trying to recover using solar power (January 21, 2013)
 Together with consumers, farmers start renewable power generation (January 19, 2013)
 Japan increasingly isolated before COP18 (November 18, 2012)
 Don’t concrete over world heritage in Nara: JCP (November 14, 2012)
 JCP urges government to do more to cut greenhouse gas emissions (July 3, 2008 )
  ‘Challenge the G8 Summit’: 5,000 people join peace walk (July 6, 7, 2008)
 NGOs criticize Japanese government for its weak efforts to cut gas emissions  (July 8, 2008 )
 JCP aims for 30% cut in greenhouse gases: JCP Kasai  (November 4, 2012)
 Nara residents strive to block plan to concrete over world heritage site (October 28, 2012)
 Small hydropower generation receives attention (October 23, 2012)
 Olympic canoeing course construction will harm oasis for wild birds (October 13, 2012)
 Ospreys have negative impact on ecosystem of Yanbaru (October 3, 2012)
 Okinawan assembly amends environmental ordinance to allow authorities to enter U.S. bases for investigation of pollution  (December 20, 2008 )
 ‘Don’t dig tunnel through Mt. Takao’ appeal dismissed by high court (July 20, 2012)
 Ogata speaks at eco-safety forum in China (June 29, 2012)
 Subsidies for increasing use of solar energy are ‘wasteful’: Osaka mayor (June 14, 2012)
 Renewable energy creates healthy economy: smaller business owners (June 12, 2012)
 Japan comes under fire at G8 environment ministers’ meeting  (May 27, 2008)
 JCP Shii calls for halt to construction of maglev Shinkansen system (May 18, 2012)
 It’s time for Japan to fulfill its international responsibility to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions[Editorial] (February 15, 2009 )
 Citizens point out excessive power-consuming linear motor Shinkansen plan is ‘outdated' (April 25, 2012)
 Residents demand reconsideration of plan to build linear motor Shinkansen (April 13, 2012)
 Court orders state to compensate for asbestos-induced health claims  (March 29, 2012)
 JCP proposes relief for all Minamata disease patients (March 20 & 24, 2009)
 Okinawa legislature likely to cut funding for reclamation that would destroy environment at Awase Tideland (March 24, 2009)
 Timid goal won’t do to cut greenhouse gas[Editorial] 
 No time left, we all must immediately tackle climate change (December 19, 2011)
 Japan should return to Kyoto Protocol without delay (December 13, 2011)
 Kaieda calls for restart of suspended nuclear reactors  (June 19, 2011)
 Nationwide move toward withdrawal from nuclear power generation (June 16-17, 2011)
 METI chief: we will continue depending on nuclear power (June 17, 2011)

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