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List of Past issues

 Scientists’ association opposes restart of NPP (April 14, 2012)
 Amid protests, gov’t judges restarting of Oi NPP reactors as valid (April 14, 2012)
 Not allowing N-plant restart is mass suicide: DPJ Sengoku ( April 17, 201)
 Yokosuka citizens protest against transport of radioactive wastes from US warship (April 11, 2012)
 Noise of 100dB hits schools near US Futenma base (April 14&16, 2012)
 Pushed by JCP, Panasonic returns subsidies to Chiba (April 11, 2012)
 JAL plans to hire new employees while cutting numerous jobs (April 12, 2012)
 Retract JAL dismissals to ensure flight safety: JCP Kokuta  (April 12, 2012)
 Dismissed JAL workers appeal court judgments (April 13, 2012)
 Court rejects ex-Isuzu contingent workers’ demands (April 17, 2012)
 Osaka mayor defends assemblyman over fabricated anti-union data (April 13, 2012)
 Hashimoto: City workers should curry favor with me (April 14, 2012)
 A-bomb photo exhibition scheduled in Vienna (April 13, 2012)
 Anti-nuke group urges gov’t to take initiative in NPT meeting (April 17, 2012)
 Shii issues statement protesting N. Korea’s ‘rocket’-launch (April 14, 2012)
 To aggravate welfare system further increases poverty [Editorial] (April 16, 2012)
 Don’t abandon Minamata disease sufferers: JCP Ichida  (April 12 & 17, 2012)
 Residents demand reconsideration of plan to build linear motor Shinkansen (April 13, 2012)
 Japan suffers deficit of \4.4 trillion in foreign demand-led trade (April 20, 2012)
 Residents call for removal of US base from downtown Tokyo (April 20, 2012)
 Further cuts in gov’t employees threaten public services (April 20, 2012)
 NTT workers win abolition of downsizing system (April 20, 2012)
 Court recognizes salary cut penalty for rejecting ‘Kimigayo’ as excessive (April 20, 2012)
 Tokyo’s meddling hampers settlement of Senkaku dispute (April 19, 2012)
 Latin American countries seek an equal relationship with US[Editorial] (April 19, 2012)
 JCP requests TEPCO to reconsider plan to raise electricity rates (April 19, 2012)
 Metropolitan gov’t should drastically strengthen quake-proof measures: JCP (April 19, 2012)
 JCP Shii criticizes Obama’s Japan policy and pro-military alliance forces in Japan (March 7, 2009)
 Ozawa’s secretary arrested over receiving illegal donations (March 4, 2009 )
 Put an end to ‘money power politics’ now: JCP Shii (March 6, 2009)
 Answering allegations of fraud is what politicians must do above anything else [Editorial] (March 5, 2009)
 Total ban of corporate and organizational donations is required to close loopholes[Editorial] (March 8, 2009)
 Political Funds Control Law is Full of Loopholes (March 5, 2009 )
 Uruma’s alleged remark over illegal donations must be investigated: Ichida (March 10, 2009)
 LDP brass given 7.8 million yen in illegal donations from constructor (March 10, 2009 )
 Controversial cash handout bill enacted in defiance of strong pubic opposition (March 5, 2009 )
 Bill to use public funds to rescue ailing banks clears House of Representatives (March 4, 2009 )
 Shii holds meeting with Nishijin silk fabrics producers in Kyoto  (March 8, 2009 )
 Unions stage day of action for better wages and jobs as part of 2009 Spring Struggle (March 6, 2009 )
 Labor think tank finds 4.53 million jobs can be created by requiring employers to strictly comply with regulations (March 7, 2009)
 Lawmakers urge the defense ministry to revoke its refusal to continue employment of female ASDF member (March 4, 2009)
 Ruling parties OK allowing MSDF to shoot at pirates  (March 5, 2009)
 Peace activists rally in opposition to air tanker deployment to ASDF Komaki Base (March 10, 2009)
 Political parties and peace organizations stage protest against U.S. warship’s entry into Ishigaki Port (March 10, 2009)
 Guam residents are not welcoming U.S. Marines relocation from Okinawa  (March 10, 2009 )
 Nobel laureate speaks on peace at scientists’ circle for Article 9 (March 9, 2009 )
 International Women’s Day rally held across the nation to defend the Japanese Constitution and people’s living (March 9, 2009 )
 Tokyo air raid commemorated (March 10, 2009)
 Zengakuren convention calls for drastic increase in education budget (March 4, 2009 )
 Action held against blacklisting student loan recipients  (March 6, 2009)

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