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List of Past issues

 JCP calls for drastic revision of Tokyo’s disaster-prevention measures (May 26, 2011)
 JCP Shiokawa calls for more public payphones (May 25, 2011)
 US forces participate in more disaster drills in localities (May 25, 2011)
 Do not allow judicial crimes based on forced confessions to continue[Editorial] (May 25, 2011)
 Hiroshima Hibakusha protest US nuclear tests (May 24, 2011)
 Japan’s payment for US Marines relocation to Guam exaggerated (May 24, 2011)
 JCP Inoue calls for termination of ‘Monju’ (May 24, 2011)
 JCP opposes corporate entry into fishing industry in disaster-hit area (May 24, 2011)
 Gov't panel considers hike in eligible age, cut in pension benefits (May 24, 2011)
 Gov’t daycare support in disaster-hit area insufficient (May 23, 2011)
 JCP influences local governments to provide better environment for evacuees (May 22, 2011)
 Can loan shark money save disaster victims?[Editorial] (May 21, 2011)
 US Army constructs a coastal barrier without Japan’s consent (May 21, 2011)
 US forces conduct unannounced parachute training at Kadena (May 21, 2011)
 TEPCO leaves N-crisis workers unprotected from airborne radiation (May 21, 2011)
 N-accident is caused by ‘divine act’: economics minister (May 21&23, 2011)
 Yokohama lawyers protest agaisnt pressure group praising war (May 21, 2011)
 ‘Nuclear power-mongering’ lawmakers and the industry (May 8 & 9, 2011)
 Yoshii demands decommissioning of Hamaoka reactors (May 12, 2011 )
 TEPCO accepts retired high-ranking municipal officials (May 12, 2011)
 JCP demands decommissioning of Tokai reactor (May 13, 2011)
 Superhawkish Maehara leads DPJ’s constitutional debate (May 11, 2011)
 Secret state funds continue to be used under DPJ gov’t [Editorial] (May 13, 2011)
 DPJ gov’t accelerates privatization of public services (May 16, 2011)
 Transport company in tsunami-hit region strives to transport Akahata (May 13, 2011)
 Enable residents-oriented reconstruction (May 7, 2011)
 Have major firms play active role (May 11, 2011)
 Create public jobs (May 12, 2011 )
 Integration of Futenma with Kadena is a challenge to Okinawans (May 13, 2011)
 U.S. sailor arrested for damaging private property (May 15, 2011)
 MSDF Aegis ship found not liable for fatal collision (May 12, 2011)
 Fukushima nuclear crisis and capitalism (May 14, 2011)
 JCP opposed unsafe nuclear power generation from the beginning (May 14, 2011)
 JCP members in quake-hit village (May 15, 2011)
 Kasai meets with Western Saharan representative (May 14, 2011)
 A new regulatory body must work to decommission nuclear power plants: Shii (May 20, 2011)
 JAL contract cabin attendant fights for return to flight duty (May 20 & 21, 2011)
 Three underlying problems concerning the murder of Bin Laden (May 19, 2011)
 JCP: Stop jointly developing missiles with US (May 19, 2011)
 Upper House adopts rules on constitutional revision (May 19, 2011)
 Naha City Assembly demands SOFA revision (May 19, 2011)
 This week’s JCP international activities (May 19 & 24, 2011)
 Gov’t must handle Fukushima crisis responsibly[Editorial] (May 18, 2011)
 Shii hands over recovery proposal to PM Kan (May 18, 2011)
 Osaka citizens oppose move to impose ‘Kimigayo’ regulation at schools (May 18, 2011)
 No to US military beef-up in post-disaster mess (May 17 & 18, 2011)
 Prognosis of nuclear crisis settlement and evacuees’ return must be provided: Shii (May 10, 2011)
 Hamaoka nuclear reactors will be shut down (May 10, 2011)
 Federation of Bar Associations proposes phasing out nuclear energy production (May 9, 2011)
 Bringing nuclear weapons into Japan is ongoing issue (May 9, 2011)

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