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List of Past issues

 Promote conservation of biodiversity based on newly adopted protocol[Editorial] ( November1, 2010 )
 Zenroren calls for regulations on fixed term employment ( October 31, 2010)
 Fuwa speaks at Japan AALA 55th anniversary meeting ( October 31, 2010)
 Please abolish law to ‘help’ the disabled to be self-reliant! ( October 30, 2010)
 JCP Shii and Ichida meet with Arab ambassadors ( October 30, 2010)
 JCP exposes severe tax levying resulting in suicide  (Akahata, October 29, 2010)
 Not Henoko but Hawaii will undergo Ospray-related environmental assessment (Akahata, October 29, 2010)
 Not Henoko but Hawaii will undergo Ospray-related environmental assessment ( October 29, 2010)
 Court orders JAL’s largest union to pay compensation for privacy abuse ( October 29, 2010)
 Increase budget for culture: JCP Miyamoto (October 28, 2010)
 DPJ breaks its public promise by accepting corporate donations ( October 28 , 2010)
 Iha calls for Futenma base removal in campaign for Okinawa governor ( October 28, 2010)
 DYLJ resolves to increase efforts for organizational build-up ( October 28-30, 2010)
 Japan-US business circles call for Japan’s entry into TPP (October 27, 2010)
 Increase minimum wage to boost domestic demand: JCP lawmaker ( October 26, 2010)
 Iha runs for Okinawan governor to block US base construction (October 25, 2010)
 DPJ rift deepens over Okinawa governor’s election ( October 25, 2010)
 Peace activists protest SDF military parade ( October 25, 2010)
 US base construction threatens Okinawa’s ecosystem ( October 24, 2010)
 7.6 million signatures for N-free world submitted to Diet ( October 23, 2010)
 Ishihara to push ahead with relocation of fish market to polluted site ( October 23, 2010)
 JCP lawmakers join Japan-ROK Parliamentarians’ League ( October 23, 2010)
 JCP chair opposes Japan’s entry to TPP talks ( October 22, 2010)
 Does ‘cheap rice’ benefit the public? ( October 20 & 21, 2010)
 JAL forces pilots to retire by sending them blank schedules ( October 21, 2010)
 DPJ and LDP work to begin discussions on Constitution ( October 20&21, 2010)
 Farmers resolve to oppose government plan to join TPP ( October 20, 2010)
 Gov’t must adjust rice supply and demand: JCP Kami ( October 19, 2010)
 Young conservatives seek legality for SDF to use arms abroad ( October 18, 2010)
 Dangerous attempt to serve arms industry’s greed -Akahata editorial [Editorial] ( October 18, 2010 )
 People share experiences in ‘Kakushinkon’ movement ( October 18&19, 2010)
 Childcare center to be constructed in leprosy sanatorium ( October 18, 2010)
 ‘Kakushinkon’ movement for progressive united front holds event ( October 17, 2010)
 Nago City Council wants Japan-US deal on new base revoked ( October 16, 2010)
 Daikin’s disposable use of labor is unacceptable: JCP Yamashita (October 16, 2010)
 Criticism of political system must be responded to through candid discourse ( October 15, 2010)
 Former disarmament ambassador calls for lifting ban on arms exports ( October 15, 2010)
 US subcritical nuclear test contradicts Obama’s call for nuclear free world: Shii ( October 15, 2010)
 JCP demands gov’t put a stop to JAL’s radical layoffs ( October 15, 2010)
 JCP discloses US military option to deploy Ospreys at Futenma base ( October 14, 2010)
 US subcritical nuclear test protested  ( October 14, 2010 )
 Use of 3.4% in corporate internal reserves can create 157,000 jobs ( October 14, 2010)
 Bereaved families call for law to prevent ‘karoshi’ ( October 14, 2010)
 Kan refuses to reassess ambient impact around new base ( October 13, 2010)
 Sendai bar association calls for relief of ‘red purge’ victims  ( October 13, 2010)
 US begs Japan for continuation of ‘sympathy budget’ - Akahata editorial [Editorial] ( October 11, 2010)
 Ichida: Senkaku should be settled by diplomatic means ( October 11, 2010 )
 PM Kan and Komei Party cast knowing glances at each other ( October 9 and 10, 2010)
 Use Nobel Prize as turning point to strengthen support for universities - Akahata editorial (excerpts)  ( October 10, 2010)
 Major daily editorials stress need for boosting domestic demand ( October 9, 2010)

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