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List of Past issues

 Top court recognizes Panasonic illegally use of temporary worker  ( December 19, 2009)
 Government panel starts discussing tighter rules on use of tems ( December 19, 2009)
 What must be done to deal with crisis of jobs ? - Akahata editorial (excerpts)[Editorial] ( December 18, 2009)
 Welfare ministry to propose health insurance for high school students  ( December 18, 2009)
 JCP Shii attends Kazakhstan’s Independence Day reception (December 18, 2009)
 Lawyer calls U.S. new base in Nago illegal under U.S. law (December 17, 2009)
 Shouts of ‘Give us jobs!’ echo throughout Tokyo  (December 17, 2009)
 Citizens’ group petitions budget for protecting people’s livelihoods (December 17, 2009)
 JCP calls for relief measures for former leprosy patients ( December 17, 2009)
 Ruling parties decide to shelve Futenma base issue (December 16, 2009)
 JCP Chair Shii holds talks with China’s Vice President Xi (December 16, 2009)
 PM urged to negotiate with U.S. for unconditional withdrawal of Futenma base (December 15, 2009)
 Okinawans call for transfer of U.S. serviceman suspected in hit-and-run ( December 15, 2009)
  PM Hatoyama urged immediate measures to improve employment situation  ( December 15, 2009)
 Tokyo court rejects Tokyo air-raid victims’ claim ( December 15, 2009)
 LDP focuses on constitutional revision  (December 13, 2009)
 U.S. urges Japan to resolve Futenma issue by Dec. 18th ( December 13, 2009)
 Fudanren in convention calls for boosting women’s solidarity[Editorial] ( December 13, 2009)
 Court ruling: Anti-U.S. helipad sit-ins are not sabotage (December 12, 2009)
  Sit-in held to protest against closure of three metropolitan children’s hospitals  ( December 12, 2009)
 PM Hatoyama says different things on different days about Futenma base ( December 11, 2009)
 JCP and Mayor agree to demand unconditional removal of Futenma base (December 11, 2009)
 7 female temporary workers fight against Shiseido’s dismissal ( December 11, 2009)
 Okinawans say they felt threatened by foreign minister ( December 10, 2009)
 JCP lawmakers meet with groups of disabled (J December 10, 2009,)
 ‘Green Wave’ action ends ( December 10, 2009)
 Business circles laid groundwork for construction of authoritarian state ( December 9, 2009)
 Bill banning constitutional interpreters from speaking in the Diet ( December 8, 2009)
 Pianist Nakamura Hiroko and others protest cuts in budget for culture ( December 8, 2009)
 JCP Chair Shii holds talks with visiting Cuban Foreign Minister Rodriguez ( December 8, 2009)
 Full-time employment will help stimulate economy and ease poverty (December 7, 2009)
 49 environmental groups demand new base plan at Henoko be scrapped ( December 7, 2009)
 Defense Academy chief makes gaffe in criticizing opponents of new U.S. base construction (December 7, 2009)
 U.S. military refuses to hand over four children of U.S. servicemen allegedly involved in attempted murder[Editorial] ( December 4 & 6, 2009)
 Symposium held in Okinawa for removal of U.S. Futenma base ( December 6, 2009)
 Postal stocks bill enacted (December 4 & 5, 2009)
 JCP stands out as the party of ‘constructive opposition’ in the Diet session ( December 5, 2009)
 Hatoyama urged to pursue closure of Futenma base without condition ( December 5, 2009)
 Shii and mayor agree on initiating a debate on Japan-U.S. Security Treaty ( December 5, 2009)
 Citizens rally for right to distribute political fliers ( December 5, 2009)
 Tokyo Bar Association criticizes Supreme Court decision over the right to distribute flyers ( December 4, 2009)
 Agriculture committee members have talks with JCP Dietmembers (December 4, 2009)
 Additional troop dispatch will only worsen Afghan situation Akahata editorial (excerpts) [Editorial] ( December 3, 2009)
 Olympic medalists oppose government budget-slashing measures in field of sports ( December 3, 2009)
 Political flier distributor to appeal to international society  ( December 3, 2009)
 Bill to freeze sale of Japan Post shares passed through Lower House (December 2, 2009)
 Everyone knows Hatoyama promised to move Futenma base out of Japan Akahata editorial (excerpts) [Editorial] ( December 2, 2009)
 Former Foreign Ministry official testifies to the existence of Japan-U.S. secret agreements ( December 2, 2009)
 Law enacted to give relief to all plaintiffs in A-bomb disease lawsuits ( December 2, 2009)
 JCP criticizes DPJ for arbitrarily extending Diet session ( December 1, 2009)

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