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List of Past issues

 Support for local residents opposing U.S. helipad construction grows (January 27, 2009 )
 Signature campaign launched against new USMC housing at Iwakuni (January 27, 2009 )
 Tokyo government withheld data on toxicity at proposed fish market site (January 27, 2009 )
 Political parties that do not know how shameful it is to share tax money[Editorial] (January 26, 2009 )
 Akahata reveals the whole story of political donations from Nishimatsu Construction Co. (January 26, 2009)
 Anti-nuclear NGOs create liaison council to push ICNND (January 26, 2009)
 Candidate backed by opposition parties beats LDP-supported incumbent in Yamagata gubernatorial election (January 26, 2009 )
 Gensuikyo urges Obama to fulfill his campaign promise of elimination of nuclear weapons (January 24, 2009)
 Tokyo Metropolitan Government budget plan reflects some of JCP requests  (January 24, 2009 )
 Blame for collision lies mainly with MSDF destroyer Atago (January 23, 2009)
 There is no legitimacy in sending MSDF ships to Somalia[Editorial] (January 23, 2009)
 JCP calls on ICNND to recognize nuclear weapons abolition as central task (January 23, 2009)
 How is President Obama going to change the direction of U.S. policies?[Editorial] (January 22, 2009 )
 Residents start sit-in against reclamation of Okinawa’s Awase Tideland (January 22, 2009)
 Citizens’ group criticizes revised textbook screening system (January 22, 2009)
 Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election set for July 12 (January 22, 2009)
 JCP Tokyo calls for extra budget to promote Tokyo residents well-being, not Olympic Games (January 22, 2009 )
 Shii on Obama inauguration  (January 22, 2009)
 Hibakusha sends call of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to U.S. President Obama (January 22, 2009)
 JCP criticizes major banks for their reluctance to finance SMEs and its forcible debt collection policies (January 21, 2009 )
 500 Okinawans hold rally against U.S. helipad construction  (January 21, 2009 )
 Democratic farmers’ organization calls for social solidarity to revitalize agriculture (January 21–23, 2009 )
 ‘Let us work together to rebuild Japanese farming’-- Shii at farmers’ congress (January 21, 2009)
 Shii talks about temporary labor to Marx on TV talk show (January 21, 2009 )
 Stop the maintenance of U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier at Yokosuka (January 20, 2009)
 JCP-led movement pushes local government to act to secure jobs (January 20, 2009)
 170,000 elderly in arrears with new medical insurance premiums (January 20, 2009)
 Japan’s anti-nuclear delegation discusses abolition of nuclear weapons with Malaysian foreign ministry official (January 20, 2009)
 Japan anti-nuclear delegation discusses abolition of nuclear weapons with Malaysian foreign ministry official (January 20, 2009)
 Keidanren places orders with LDP and DPJ (January 19, 2009)
 Temporary workers at Toyota-affiliated auto parts maker establish union to force employer to cancel dismissal (January 19, 2009 )
 Young JCP supporters provide labor counseling on the streets (January 18, 2009)
 14 years after Great Hanshin Earthquake (January 18, 19, 2009)
 JCP chair sends best wishes for Vietnamese New Year (January 18, 2009)
 JCP proposes 4 opposition party meeting about the drastic revision of the Worker Dispatch Law (January 17, 2009)
 Peace Committee urges government to withdraw demand for ejection of protesters and give up helipad plan for U.S. forces (January 17, 2009)
 More than 20% cannot afford to pay health insurance tax (January 17, 2009)
 Hibakusha call on Health Ministry to speed up recognition as A-bomb-caused illness sufferers (January 17, 2009)
 Consumption tax hike will be inserted into tax-related bill (January 16, 2009)
 NTT West workers win compensation for unjustifiable transfers (January 16, 2009)
 JCP Chair Shii holds talks with CPV External Relations Commission head (January 16, 2009)
 Mahathir supports ‘Nuclear-Free World’ campaign (January 15 & 16, 2009)
 Keidanren urges ruling LDP and opposition DPJ to hold policy discussion (January 15, 2009)
 Government considering sending P3Cs to waters off Somalia along with destroyer (January 15, 2009 )
 Day of action held calling for corporate responsibility (January 15, 2009)
 Sending SDF to Somalia on ‘anti-piracy mission’ is unjustifiable[Editorial] (January 14, 2009)
 LDP-Komei-controlled Lower House railroad through supplementary budget bill (January 14, 2009)
 U.S. and Japanese military forces integrating control capabilities through Yama Sakura 55 (January 14, 2009)
 Over 200 local assemblies adopt a petition demanding cancellation of ‘MA rice’ imports (January 14, 2009 )
 Union wins direct employment for Japanese-Brazilian worker (January 12, 2009)

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