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 Abe reluctant to take measures to relieve performing artists’ economic distress due to corona crisis (March 24, 2020)
 After JCP Koike's Diet questioning, JAL decides to end imposing the wearing of high heels on CAs (March 24, 2020)
 Number of people who want to join SDF is decreasing (March 23, 2020)
 Abe gov’t should not open new flight routes for Haneda Airport[Editorial] (March 22, 2020)
 Suspension of Sendai NPP operations indicates laxness of nuclear regulations[Editorial] (March 21, 2020)
 Hate letters blaming Chinese for spread of coronavirus sent to Yokohama's Chinatown (March 21, 2020)
 Non-regular employment rate is too high in Health Ministry to combat infectious diseases (March 20, 2020)
 Zenroren publishes urgent proposal in regard to gov’t anti-corona efforts (March 20, 2020)
 Abe gov’t sued for suicide of ex-Finance Ministry official who was forced to falsify ‘Moritomo’-related documents (March 19, 2020)
 Opposition parties set up taskforce team to reinvestigate ‘Moritomo’ scandal (March 19, 2020)
 BOJ’s additional monetary easing is no solution to coronavirus-induced economic crisis[Editorial] (March 18, 2020)
 Abe gov’t seeks to promote use of elderly workers without legal protection (March 18, 2020)
 Notion by which people's lives are rated as worthy or not creates discrimination[Editorial] (March 16, 2020)
 Koike criticizes passage of revised law enabling Abe to declare state of emergency over coronavirus outbreak (March 15, 2020)
 Koike on news show demands cuts in sales tax to 5% as anti-corona economic policy (March 15, 2020)
 Saitama City gov’t under fire for discrimination against Korean kindergartners in anti-corona efforts (March 13 & 15, 2020)
 Unions and organizations for freelance workers call for gov’t financial assistance amid coronavirus crisis (March 13 & 14, 2020)
 Justice Minister discredits prosecutors (March 14, 2020)
 Tokyo District Court rejects citizens’ injunction request against SDF overseas dispatch (March 14, 2020)
 Gensuikyo comments on cancellation of planned anti-nuke World Conference in NYC (March 14, 2020)
 JCP makes urgent proposal on economic crisis pertaining to coronavirus outbreak (March 13, 2020)
 High court orders TEPCO to compensate evacuees for loss of hometowns (March 13, 2020)
 Appeals court scraps acquittal of a man accused of raping his daughter (March 13, 2020)
 Finance Minister Aso calls COVID-19 'Wuhan virus' (March 12, 2020)
 Koike: JCP opposes Abe’s COVID-19 countermeasures law that will put excessive restrictions on human rights (March 11, 2020)
 Zenroren provides labor counseling to workers affected by coronavirus crisis (March 11, 2020)
 48K still live as refugees due to 2011 disaster (March 11, 2020)
 Scandal-tainted ‘Kake Gakuen’ university admits giving zero score to all South Korean students in entrance exam (March 11, 2020)
 Sapporo court rules voluntary evacuation from Fukushima as reasonable (March 11, 2020)
 Lawyers oppose Abe's anti-corona steps for limiting people's freedom and human rights (March 10, 2020)
 Director of Hansen’s Disease Museum commits harassment of staff members (March 10, 2020)
 On International Women’s Day, Japanese women take to streets to protest against sexual violence against women (March 9 2020)
 Temporary workers on 'unpaid' standby due to corona outbreak win 'paid' work (March 9, 2020)
 Gov’t should create system to provide redress to air raid victims in Asia Pacific War[Editorial] (March 9, 2020)
 Nuclear power plant operators learn nothing from 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns (March 7, 2020)
 Independent contractors for TEPCO subsidiary recognized as ‘workers’ specified in Labor Union Law (March 7, 2020)
 Education Minister: Discrimination against female applicants in med school entrance exams unacceptable (March 7, 2020)
 Abe should take responsible attitude toward election scandal involving ex-Justice Minister[Editorial] (March 6, 2020)
 Shii meets with people who call for legalization of same-sex marriages (March 6, 2020)
 New coronavirus crisis rightly highlights anti-people nature of Abe government (March 1, 2020)
 Shii talks with PM Abe regarding fight against COVID-19 (March 5, 2020)
 High court: same-sex couples can receive same legal protections as heterosexual couples (March 5, 2020)
 Foreign Ministry puts pressure on Hibakusha’s A-bomb photo exhibition at UN Headquarters (March 4, 2020)
 Abe in response to Koike: Imposition on women workers to wear high-heeled shoes is unacceptable (March 4, 2020)
 Abe should listen to experts sincerely in efforts to contain new coronavirus[Editorial] (March 3, 2020)
 Koike protests against N. Korea’s projectile launches (March 3, 2020)
 ILO/UNESCO recommend that Japanese government not impose Hinomaru and Kimigayo on teachers (March 2, 2020)
 Memorial service held in front of Bikini tragedy victim's tomb (March 2, 2020)
 Opposition parties’ proposal for 2020 budget revision focusing on fight against COVID-19 rejected (February 29, 2020)
 PM Abe and ruling party politicians enjoy lavish dinners while putting voluntary ban on public (February 27 & 29, 2020)

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