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List of Past issues

 DP’s confusion over Hope Party angers concerned citizens (October 2, 2017)
 Change gov’t in general election to solve N. Korea crisis through dialogue[Editorial] (October 2, 2017)
 MV22 makes emergency landing in Okinawa, bringing dangerous Ospreys into spotlight yet again[Editorial] (October 1, 2017)
 True face-off is between LDP/Komei and Citizens/opposition parties united front (September 30, 2017)
 Civil Alliance rejects possibility of collaboration with Tokyo Governor’s constitutional revisionist party (September 30, 2017)
 DP will merge with new rightist party, betraying its promise to concerned citizens (September 29, 2017)
 Constitutional scholars criticize Abe for dissolving Diet in violation of Constitution (September 28, 2017)
 Last spurt of global ‘Peace Wave’ action (September 27 & 28, 2017)
 Japan-US civil nuclear agreement looks set for extension (September 28, 2017)
 Civil Alliance confirms common election agenda in preparation for selecting united opposition candidates (September 27, 2017)
 Tokyo Governor’s new party is rightwing constitutional revisionist (September 26, 2017)
 Tokyo governor founds national political party (September 26, 2017)
 JCP Koike: JCP advance and success of opposition/citizens alliance needed to end Abe politics (September 25, 2017)
 Deputy PM Aso: Japan may shoot refugees fleeing from possible contingency on Korean Peninsula (September 25, 2017)
 JCP-backed candidate reelected to Sakai City mayor in Osaka (September 25, 2017)
 40 years since US military aircraft crash killed 3 residents in Yokohama (September 24, 2017)
 Court denies state responsibility for 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown (September 23, 2017)
 Civil Alliance appeals to opposition parties to unite in general election (September 22, 2017)
 Abe at UNGA denies importance of diplomatic efforts in solving N. Korea problem (September 22, 2017)
 4 opposition parties agree to explore options in fielding joint candidate in coming general election (September 21, 2017)
 70% of nurses suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome: union survey (September 21, 2017)
 Global “Peace Wave” action kicks off to promote nations’ entry into UN treaty banning nuclear weapons (September 21, 2017)
 Abe in New York Times article disregards global efforts for dialogue with N. Korea (September 20, 2017)
 Opposition parties and concerned citizens resolve to repeal war laws by winning seats in general election (September 20, 2017)
 Shii emphasizes need to win general election through united efforts of opposition parties and concerned citizens (September 19, 2017)
 US Osprey grounded for more than a month due to engine malfunction (September 17, 2017)
 Shii in statement condemns N. Korea’s missile launch and reiterates need for resolution through dialogue (September 16, 2017)
 Court: punishing teachers who don’t stand up for ‘Kimigayo’ is illegal (September 16, 2017)
 Japan Post ordered to end its unfair treatment of non-regular workers  (September 15, 2017)
 Civil Alliance calls for united opposition candidates in upcoming by-elections (September 15, 2017)
 Shii criticizes SDF for refueling US military vessels without giving notice to public (September 15, 2017)
 Japan, the lowest in public expenditures on education among OECD (September 15, 2017)
 Japan’s absence in N-ban treaty will evoke global distrust of Japan (September 14, 2017)
 Defense Ministry under PM Office pressure decided to purchase Global Hawks (September 13, 2017)
 Imperial gov’t used patriotic toys to mobilize children for war (September 13, 2017)
 Shii comments on new UNSC sanctions against North Korea (September 13, 2017)
 MV-22, before crashing in sea off Okinawa, repeatedly failed in attempts at aerial refueling (September 12, 2017)
 Farmers deepen concern over growing control by multinationals of seed market (September 12, 2017)
 JCP Koike: Proposed interdiction of N. Korean ships is de facto use of force (September 10, 2017)
 Symposium held to discuss issue of overworked hospital doctors (September 10, 2017)
 Labor ministry’s panel begins discussing relaxation of working hour rules (September 9, 2017)
 TEPCO is unqualified to run NPPs (September 9, 2017)
 Osprey emits smoke again during repair work (September 8, 2017)
 Residents bring complaints against FCLP exercises at US Atsugi base (September 8, 2017)
 Japanese gov’t in response to UN expert rejects all concerns over privacy under conspiracy law (September 7, 2017)
 Protesting against N. Korea’s nuclear test, Hiroshima Hibakusha collect antinuke signatures (September 7, 2017)
 JCP in Diet debate: Gov’t should urge US to hold talks with N. Korea to avert military clash (September 6, 2017)
 Supplementary budget for relocating fish market to polluted Toyosu site approved (September 6, 2017)
 US military vehicle hits pedestrian guardrails in Okinawa (September 6, 2017)
 JCP: Tokyo assembly should fulfill its responsibility to closely monitor governor’s policies (September 6, 2017)

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