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List of Past issues

 Abe gov’t left behind in global move seeking peaceful settlement of N. Korea issue (July 27, 2017)
 This week’s JCP international activity (July 27, 2017)
 PM Abe gets stuck answering questions on ‘Kake’ scandal (July 26, 2017)
 JCP Koike grills Abe over scandals of ‘Kake’ and cover-up of SDF’s ‘daily reports’ (July 26, 2017)
 Abe’s aide repeatedly claims ‘I don’t remember’ over Kake Gakuen scandal (July 25, 2017)
 JCP Kasai: PM Abe should dismiss defense minister (July 25, 2017)
 Okinawa takes national gov’t to court in order to block non-authorized destruction of coral reefs in Henoko (July 25, 2017)
 Joint opposition candidate beats LDP rival in Sendai City mayoral election (July 24, 2017)
 NPP workers and local residents together enjoy gathering held in Fukushima’s Naraha town (July 24, 2017)
 This week’s JCP international activity  (July 20, 22, & 24, 2017)
 BOJ’s decision to delay reaching 2% inflation target confirms failure of Abenomics[Editorial] (July 22, 2017)
 Worker committed suicide due to overwork associated with construction of 2020 Olympic stadium (July 21, 2017)
 Tokyo gov’t gives Dentsu one-month suspension from participating in public works bidding (July 21, 2017)
 JCP voted for culture & arts law stipulating freedom of expression (July 21, 2017)
 JCP Social Sciences Institute head Fuwa talks about party’s 95-year history (July 20, 2017)
 JCP Fukushima lawmakers protest against TEPCO’s plan to discharge tritium-tainted water into ocean (July 20, 2017)
 Rally to learn about prewar false accusation takes place in connection with anti-conspiracy law (July 20, 2017)
 Campaign launched to end body restraints in psychiatric care (July 20, 2017)
 Citizens in Kyushu city call for preservation of 1,800-year-old archaeological site (July 20, 2017)
 Poverty influences children’s educational access (July 20, 2017)
 JCP holds speech gathering to commemorate 95th anniversary of its founding (July 20, 2017)
 JCP Koike: LDP’s plan to reduce oppositions’ question time is irrational (July 19, 2017)
 Intellectuals express concern over DP leader’s making public her family register (July 19, 2017)
 Gov’t should step up efforts to address child poverty problem[Editorial] (July 19, 2017)
 Workers at front-line of Fukushima NPP decommission work experiencing illegal labor practices (July 17, 2017)
 US military aircraft loses metal part during flight drill (July 16, 2017)
 JCP with 95-year history will continue to pioneer a better future[Editorial] (July 15, 2017)
 Argument and counterargument: Akahata foreign editor on death of Liu Xiaobo (July 15, 2017)
 Okinawa Pref. Assembly approves Gov.’s decision to sue national gov’t in order to block Henoko project (July 15, 2017)
 Record-high number of executives receives over 100 million yen in annual wage (July 15, 2017)
 I will live my life as JCP member: newly-joined female student (July 15, 2017)
 World Conference will focus on next step toward nuclear weapons-free world after adoption of N-ban treaty (July 14, 2017)
 JCP urges Tokyo gov’t to restrict Dentsu participation in bidding (July 14, 2017)
 Bar associations across Japan call for revocation of anti-conspiracy law (July 13, 2017)
 Abenomics decreases tax revenues (July 13, 2017)
 Smaller countries play important role in producing antinuke UN treaty (July 13, 2017)
 Abe gov’t has yet to respond to UN human rights expert’s inquiry about ‘anti-conspiracy’ law  (July 12, 2017)
 Nationwide action to demand abolition of ‘anti-conspiracy’ law takes place (July 12, 2017)
 Wartime newspapers volunteered to become war-promoting instruments (July 12, 2017)
 Nuclear weapons ban treaty examines Japan’s responsibility as A-bombed nation (July 12, 2017)
 Free fall in cabinet approval rating reflects public distrust of Abe administration: JCP Koike (July 11, 2017)
 JCP lawmakers question ex-bureaucrat as unsworn witness over ‘Kake Gakuen’ scandal (July 11, 2017)
 JCP seats increased from 6 to 7 in Okinawa’s Naha City Assembly election (July 11, 2017)
 Nationwide demonstrations calling for PM Abe’s resignation take place (July 10, 2017)
 Record 13,000 elderly people have their life savings seized due to arrears in nursing-care insurance premiums (July 10, 2017)
 JCP Chair Shii issues statement to welcome the nuclear weapons ban treaty (July 9, 2017)
 Progress toward nuclear weapons ban treaty (July 9, 2017)
 Hibakusha gather to celebrate the nuclear weapons ban treaty (July 9, 2017)
 Hidankyo and Gensuikyo issue statements welcoming Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty (July 9, 2017)
 Mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki welcome adoption of nuclear weapons ban treaty (July 9, 2017)

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