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List of Past issues

 Okinawa governor to Defense Minister: US Harrier jets should not fly before cause of recent crash is determined (September 23-25, 2016)
 Opposition parties will oppose forcible passage of TPP (September 24, 2016)
 Opposition party leaders agree to cooperate ‘as much as possible’ in general election (September 24, 2016)
 Okinawa appeals Henoko case to Supreme Court (September 24, 2016)
 JCP conducts on-site inspection at Tomari NPP (September 17, 2016)
 Air photos of US helipad construction site in Okinawa reveal illegal acts by gov’t (September 23, 2016)
 Toyama City Assembly to hold by-election over money scandals (September 23, 2016)
 Female factory workers, the initiator of Japan’s 1st labor strike (September 22 & 23, 2016)
 JCP stance on some international issues - from JCP Executive Committee Report for 6th CC Plenum (September 23, 2016)
 Okinawans demand court injunction against construction of US helipads (September 22, 2016)
 JCP 6th CC Plenum calls for increasing party strength (September 21 & 22, 2016)
  Protest actions held nationwide marking 1st year of enactment of war laws  (September 20, 2016)
 US military in Japan intends to mobilize Japanese firms for military operations (September 19, 2016)
 Abe Cabinet ministers break election promises to oppose TPP (September 18, 2016)
 Arsenic found in water covering underground space of new Toyosu market facilities: JCP Tokyo (September 17, 2016)
 High court approves reclamation work for US base construction in Henoko (September 17, 2016)
 Gov’t considering decommissioning fast-breeder reactor ‘Monju’ (September 16, 2016)
 Toyama citizens protest against city asssemblypersons’ money scandals (September 14-16, 2016)
 Japan ranks 2nd-worst among OECD in public funding for educational institutions (September 16, 2016)
 New national park in Okinawa highlights incompatibility of US military with wildlife conservation (September 16, 2016)
 JCP reveals risk of contaminated water leakage at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPP (September 16, 2016)
 Shii comments on newly-elected DP leader (September 16, 2016)
 JCP legislators urge gov’t to resolve North Korea’s nuclear weapons issue through dialogue (September 15, 2016)
 Plaintiffs in lawsuit against gov’t tell their stories about WWII battles in Pacific Ocean theater (September 15, 2016)
 SDF acting like subcontractor for US base construction (September 14, 2016)
 US forces hold live-fire drills near World Heritage site of Mt Fuji (September 14, 2016)
 Ex-news anchor calls for resistance to gov’t pressure on media (September 14, 2016)
 Campaign launched for inclusion of Matsukawa Incident data in Memory of World Register (September 14, 2016)
 Hibakusha stage sit-in protest against North Korea’s nuclear test (September 10 & 13, 2016)
 Tokyo gov’t fails to take countermeasures against soil pollution at new fish market site (September 11 & 13, 2016)
 Visually impaired persons urge gov’t to subsidize installation of safety gates at station platforms (September 13, 2016)
 This week’s JCP international activities (September 9 & 13, 2016)
 Interview with Shii on 9th General Assembly of ICAPP in Kuala Lumpur (September 11, 2016)
 Shii slams North Korea for N-weapons test (September 10, 2016)
 Met with storm of protests gov’t has to airlift heavy equipment for US helipad site in Takae (September 10, 2016)
 Yamato City residents commemorate victims of 1964 US military jet crash into metal factory (September 10, 2016)
 Ex-US servicemen: we’ll inform fellow Americans about Okinawans’ anti-base movement (September 9, 2016)
 JCP Tokyo assemblypersons’ group submits proposal calling for more authorized childcare centers (September 9, 2016)
 Iroren holds international symposium focusing on nurses working night shifts (September 7 & 8, 2016)
 USMC Jungle Warfare Training Center has nothing to do with Japan’s defense: JCP Okinawa local assembly person (September 8, 2016)
 Kagoshima governor again presses Kyuden to stop operations of Sendai NPP (September 8, 2016)
 Drastic measures needed to reduce 90K children waiting to enter authorized daycare centers[Editorial] (September 8, 2016)
 Defense Ministry to boost subsidies for military research projects (September 7, 2016)
 Hibakusha signature petition campaign attracts attention of foreign visitors at Tokyo tourist spot (September 7, 2016)
 Okinawa affairs minister charged by prosecutors for speeding (September 6, 2016)
 JCP Secretariat Head Koike reminds DP of agreement made among 4 opposition parties (September 6, 2016)
 Okinawa Police arrested female US marine for hit-and-run (September 6, 2016)
 Kyuden rejects governor’s request for suspension of Sendai NPP operations (September 6, 2016)
 Ratification of ‘Paris Agreement’ by US and China highlights Japan’s reluctance to tackle climate change (September 5, 2016)
 JCP voices reservations about ICAPP declaration over nuclear weapons issue (September 5, 2016)

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