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List of Past issues

 Annual world conference opposing nuclear weapons will focus on NWC[Editorial] (July 11, 2016)
 Tokyo has yet to admit to its mistake in supporting 2003 invasion of Iraq (July 11, 2016)
 Anti-nuclear power candidate wins gubernatorial race in Kagoshima which hosts Sendai NPP (July 11, 2016)
 LDP criticized for encouraging people to denounce teachers under guise of survey on neutrality in education (July 10, 2016)
 USFJ repeats selfish arguments on Facebook (July 9, 2016)
 LDP draft constitution denies Japan’s postwar history under the pacifist Constitution (July 8, 2016)
 Large corporations accumulate internal reserves by taking advantage of tax cuts (July 8, 2016)
 13 civilians murdered by US servicemen or veterans in Okinawa since 1972 (July 7, 2016)
 Snowden evaluates war-renouncing Japanese Constitution (July 6, 2016)
 PM’s ‘I’m legislative branch head’ remark represents his ignorance of Constitution (July 6, 2016)
 PM Abe’s economic policy neglects small businesses (July 6, 2016)
 Pensioners angry at huge loss in public pension fund (July 6, 2016)
 Shii comments on China’s military drills in South China Sea (July 6, 2016)
 Number of executives paid more than one hundred million yen hits record high under Abenomics (July 5, 2016)
 Tightened discipline has no effect on occurrence of drunk driving by US servicemen (July 5, 2016)
 Tokyo 2020 organizer pressures Olympic athletes to sing ‘Kimigayo’ (July 5, 2016)
 Shii condemns deadly terror attack in Dhaka (July 4, 2016)
 Defense Ministry discusses ‘economic conscription’ (July 2, 2016)
 Abe’s policy to have public pension fund buy more stocks causes huge loss (July 2, 2016)
 Two US marines arrested for possession of live ammo (July 2, 2016)
 JCP policy drawing attention to unclaimed pets gains support from animal rights groups (July 2, 2016)
 To learn from history contributes to true national interest: TV director (July 2, 2016)
 Union workers stop welfare facility operator delaying regular wage hikes (July 1, 2016)
 Local Okinawa city remembers 18 citizens killed in 1959 US military jet crash (July 1, 2016)
 JCP’s antiwar movement in the 1930s still alive in ex-military port city (July 1, 2016)
 JCP does not call for abolition of defense budget (June 30, 2016)
 USFJ on Facebook: it is ‘misperception’ that Okinawa hosts 74% of US bases in Japan (June 30, 2016)
 GID worker sues company for being forced to come out (June 30, 2016)
 6 Hibakusha in Tokyo win court recognition as A-bomb disease patients (June 30, 2016)
 Construction workers call for better gov’t support for their health insurance system (June 29, 2016)
 USFJ will not let Okinawa unearth cultural assets on bases (June 29, 2016)
 Abe gov’t is trying to bury war remains report (June 29, 2016)
 Abe spreads myth that farmers will benefit from export promotion (June 28, 2016)
 Tanks drive on public roads amid protest from residents (June 28, 2016)
 Gov’t plans to sell off 1,109 public housing complexes to private corporations (June 28, 2016)
 Japanese university students know little of Japan’s war crimes (June 28, 2016)
 Japan rushed toward war of aggression by abusing emergency clauses: scholar (June 25-27, 2016)
 US military civilian causes drunk-driving crash just after easing of curfew announced (June 25 & 27, 2016)
 JCP Tamura: government support for Paralympians should be improved (June 27, 2016)
 Shii comments on financial market turmoil following ‘Brexit’ vote (June 25, 2016)
 Met with criticism, 27 Tokyo assemblypersons cancel Rio Olympic trip (June 25, 2016)
 Local residents petition gov’t to not provide loan to maglev railway project (June 25, 2016)
 PM Abe’s claim that ‘wage gap has narrowed’ is outright lie (June 24, 2016)
 Battle of Okinawa ceremony held amid calls for reduction in US base burdens (June 24, 2016)
 Sexual assaults by US military have increased twofold in 8 years (June 24, 2016)
 Personal rights should come before profit (June 24, 2016)
 Opposition parties/citizens alliance kicks off election battle against Abe-led anti-constitutional forces (June 23, 2016)
 Abe intends to change Constitution but says nothing about it in kickoff speech[Editorial] (June 23, 2016)
 What is ‘impartial reporting’? (June 22 & 23, 2016)
 4 opposition parties agree to field joint candidate in Tokyo gubernatorial race (June 22, 2016)

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