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List of Past issues

 UN women’s rights committee criticizes Japan for trying to deny forcible recruitment of ‘comfort women’ (February 18, 2016)
 Maritime workers stand up to gov’t policy to mobilize them for wars (February 17, 2016)
 JCP Miyamoto criticizes increase in ‘sympathy budget’ as extraordinary subservience of Japan to US (February 17, 2016)
 Coffee shop worker reaches court-mediated-settlement over unfair dismissal (February 17, 2016)
 Abe hints at cutting pension benefits due to stock market downturn (February 10 & 16, 2016)
 JCP Takahashi pushes gov’t to increase grants for victims of 2011 massive disaster (February 16, 2016)
 ‘Say No to the Abe Gov’t!’ demonstration attracts 10,000 people (February 16, 2016)
 All 6 JCP candidates win in Niiza City assembly election (February 16, 2016)
 Expensive public health insurance premiums endanger people’s lives[Editorial] (February 14, 2016)
 Plaintiffs seeking damages for Fukushima disaster form national network (February 14, 2016)
 Journalists’ group in statement urges internal affairs minister to step down for her remarks (February 13, 2016)
 Tokyoites submit signatures opposing planned deployment of CV-22s to Yokota AB (February 13, 2016)
 Nagano Prefecture expands its scholarship program for university students (February 13, 2016)
 Ministers’ frequent scandals represent arrogant anti-people Abe government (February 12, 2016)
 Opera singer wins out-of-court settlement over labor dispute with New National Theater (February 12, 2016)
 Local action in defense of Article 9 joined by 10K people in total (February 11, 2016)
 Mythical founding of the country gives slanted understanding of history[Editorial] (February 11, 2016)
 Minister hints at possibility of ordering broadcasters to go off the air (February 10, 2016)
 Gap in regional minimum wages weakens local economies: JCP Shimazu (February 10, 2016)
 Environment Ministry gives approval to construction of more coal-fired power stations (February 10, 2016)
 Toyota, the top donor to ruling party, is the largest beneficiary of R&D tax credit (February 10, 2016)
 JCP Horiuchi criticizes Abe for prettifying his policy on zero turnover of employees quitting their jobs to care for aging parents (February 9, 2016)
 A9A denounces PM Abe for trying to destroy war-renouncing Constitution (February 9, 2016)
 Local peace groups protest entry of USS N-sub into Yokosuka Port  (February 9, 2016)
 NGOs in Japan protest N. Korean missile launch (February 9, 2016)
 Japan shows off anti-missile system, taking advantage of N. Korea missile launch (February 8, 2016)
 Japanese gov’t should negotiate with Russia for return of ‘Northern Territories’ based on international law: JCP (February 8, 2016)
 Civic network launched to oppose ‘merchants of death’ (February 8, 2016)
 Shii condemns North Korea’s missile launch (February 8, 2016)
 Rightist groups actively lobby prefectural lawmakers to support constitutional revision (February 7, 2016)
 Workers stand up against Toshiba’s massive downsizing plan (February 7, 2016)
 JCP Fujino: Abenomics causes serious damage to people’s livelihoods (February 6, 2016)
 Village assembly in Okinawa protests US warships’ entry into civil port (February 6, 2016)
 Amount of Japan’s plutonium stockpile keeps increasing (February 6, 2016)
 PM Abe attacks Article 9 day after day (February 5, 2016)
 International joint action against signing of TPP held in Tokyo (February 5, 2016)
 Shii: SDF will be involved in US operations against IS under war legislation (February 5, 2016)
 Expansion of SDF duties with PKO will raise risk of ‘killing’ and being ‘killed’ (February 5, 2016)
 Shii issues statement on N. Korea’s ‘rocket’ launch plan (February 4, 2016)
 JCP calls for total ban on corporate political donations in response to Cabinet minister’s bribery scandal (February 4, 2016)
 Family of SDF member who attempted suicide sues central gov’t (February 4, 2016)
 Civil groups working to help and support sexual assault victims hold rally to discuss necessary legal framework (February 4, 2016)
 Audit Board regarded secrecy law as constitutionally controversial (February 3, 2016)
 Gov’t’s plan to cut public job placement services would undermine people’s right to work (February 3, 2016)
 High court rules SDF monitoring of public unconstitutional (February 3, 2016)
 Truck drivers and owners will jointly work on antiwar signature-collection drive (February 2, 2016)
 Okinawa Pref. enters another lawsuit against central gov't over US base construction (February 2, 2016)
 JMIU and telecommunication workers’ union form a new union (February 2, 2016)
 Visually impaired persons call on Transport Ministry to improve safety at train stations (February 2, 2016)
 Koike: ‘Same job same pay’ principle should be written into labor law (February 1, 2016)

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