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List of Past issues

 Pentagon: No US base in Japan assigned to defend Japan (July 3, 2015)
 Chinese trainees win fight for unpaid wages against textile firm (July 3, 2015)
 More than 62% of families having difficulty making ends meet (July 3, 2015)
 FM unable to come up with answer regarding Japan’s midair refueling of US fighters (July 2, 2015)
 University students in Aichi form group opposing war legislation (July 2, 2015)
 Tokyo metropolitan assembly member guilty of sexist jeering returns to LDP group (July 1 and 2, 2015)
 Media activists rally to oppose suppression of free speech (July 1, 2015)
 Abe’s deregulation of use of temps will lead to expansion of informal economy (July 1, 2015)
 Cultural property found at construction site of new US base in Henoko (July 1, 2015)
 Court acknowledges man’s suicide as 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster-related (July 1, 2015)
 News media raise voices in opposition after ‘Destroy Okinawa newspapers’ remark at LDP study meeting (June 28 & 30, 2015)
 JCP Akamine: residents displaced by US Futenma base (June 28 and 30, 2015)
 The proposed 252-billion-yen Olympic stadium is too costly (June 30, 2015)
 Crush Asahi, Mainichi, Tokyo newspapers: Hyakuta (June 29, 2015)
 12,800 elderly penalized for nonpayment of nursing-care insurance premiums (June 29, 2015)
 SDF instructs its intelligence personnel to ‘neutralize’ citizens’ peace movements (June 28, 2015)
 LDP lawmakers encourage reprisals against media criticizing war legislation (June 27, 2015)
 High court allows Osaka mayor’s removal of Zenroren-affiliated union offices from city hall (June 27, 2015)
 UN experts: TPP will have adverse impact on human rights (June 26, 2015)
 Shii answers questions from foreign journalists about JCP (June 26, 2015)
 Mothers in Tokorozawa sue city gov’t for discriminatory childcare policy regarding child-rearing leave (June 26, 2015)
 Public junior high school invites students for SDF’s live-fire drill (June 25 & 26, 2015)
 City sued for arbitrary refusal to publish ‘haiku’ on Article 9 (June 26, 2015)
 Kadena Town Assembly resolves to protest noise pollution caused by F-16 fighter jets from Vermont (June 26, 2015)
 Diet echoes with 30,000 people’s voices against war bills (June 25, 2015)
 Nobel Peace Prize-seeking civic group asks JCP to work hard to bury war bills (June 25, 2015)
 Abe prioritizes ‘guns’ over ‘butter’ (June 25, 2015)
 Court rejects claim by ex-workers at liquidated JAL subsidiary (June 25, 2015)
 Onaga demands halt to US base construction at memorial ceremony (June 24, 2015)
 Flight attendant takes Alitalia to court for ‘maternity harassment’ (June 24, 2015)
 Shii speaks to foreign journalists about dangerous nature of war bills (June 24, 2015)
 Extension of Diet session in order to honor pledge to US is unacceptable (June 23, 2015)
 Tokyo residents petition governor not to demolish public housing for 2020 Olympics (June 23, 2015)
 This week’s JCP international activities (June 23, 2015)
 116 local assemblies across Japan adopt statements opposing war bills (June 22, 2015)
 Draft system may follow war legislation (June 22, 2015)
 50 years after normalization of relations with S. Korea, Japan needs to make more efforts to form true friendship[Editorial] (June 22, 2015)
 SDF joins in military exercises in Mongolia ahead of PKO act revision (June 21, 2015)
 Progressive forum, the bridge for various actions against Abe’s war bills (June 21, 2015)
 Gov. Onaga informs Kennedy about Okinawans’ opposition to US base construction (June 20, 2015)
 Local bar association heads: war bills are unconstitutional (June 20, 2015)
 Bill leading to a society without full-time jobs rammed through Lower House (June 20, 2015)
 JCP Takahashi: ‘My Number’ system shouldn’t come into force amid pension data leak investigation (June 19, 2015)
 There is no such thing as ‘100% safe’ for combat-linked logistics operations (June 19, 2015)
 Court again recognizes JAL’s unfair labor practice (June 19, 2015)
 Minimum voting age changed to 18 (June 18, 2015)
 Revised entertainment law leaves room for arbitrary policing in dance clubs: Yamashita (June 17 & 18, 2015)
 Civic group pushes gov’t to abandon construction plan of gigantic Olympic Stadium (June 18, 2015)
 Concerns over TPP negotiations on generic drugs mounting worldwide (June 18, 2015)
 FA sues JAL for ‘maternity harassment’ (June 17, 2015)

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