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 This week’s JCP international activities (January 14-17, 2015)
 Gov’t transports base construction materials under cover of darkness (January 12 & 13, 2015)
 Gov’t rejects finance ministry’s request to increase class size (January 13, 2015)
 Abe shows his desire to rewrite previous gov’t statement on past war of aggression (January 12, 2015)
 Japanese watch repairers suffer from Swatch Group monopoly (January 12, 2015)
 Hitachi workers form union to resist company’s downsizing measures (January 12, 2015)
 JCP Dietmembers call for measures to protect dairy farmers (January 10, 2015)
 Japan’s media community protests anti-press terrorism in France (January 10, 2015)
 Anti-base Okinawa governor given cold shoulder treatment by Tokyo (January 9, 2015)
 People on welfare protest planned slashes in welfare benefits (January 9, 2015)
 Democratic medical organizations call for increase in compensation for nursing-care facility operators (January 9, 2015)
 Union presence helps IBM workers resist unfair dismissals (January 8, 2015)
 JCP Dietmembers initiate activities to benefit the general public (January 8, 2015)
 Abe’s economic policy ignores concern over rising inequality (January 8, 2015)
 Abe’s favorite scholar: Let’s eliminate full-time regular jobs in Japan (January 8, 2015)
 Abe’s push for ‘proactive pacifism’ will damage Japan’s reputation[Editorial] (January 7, 2015)
 Hibakusha determined to have nukes abolished in 70th year since A-bombings (January 7, 2015)
 Half of special nursing-care homes in Tokyo are shorthanded (January 7, 2015)
 Shii in New Year address: Let’s put end to Abe’s runaway policies (January 6, 2015)
 Abe makes New Year resolution to force through all his policies (January 6, 2015)
 JCP to submit bill to abolish political party subsidy system (January 6, 2015)
 SDF officials again visit war shrine in Hokkaido (January 6, 2015)
 This week’s JCP international activities (January 3-5, 2015)
 More mothers cut short their parental leave (January 3, 2015)
 Osaka City will closely monitor the needy ( December 28 & 30, 2014)
 Large companies’ internal reserves reach all-time high (December 29, 2014)
 Number of non-regular workers reaches 20 million (December 27, 2014)
 Due to the New Year holidays, the next issue will appear on January 9, 2015. 
 Y12.3 billion paid to workers in back wages for overtime in 2013 (December 26, 2014)
 JCP Okinawa protests against crimes & accidents caused by US military (December 26, 2014)
 Education ministry’s plan to increase classroom hours will increase public school teachers’ fatigue (December 25 & 26, 2014)
 Painful cuts in social welfare spending[Editorial] (December 26, 2014)
 3rd Abe Cabinet inaugurated (December 25, 2014)
 Okinawa Pref. Assembly adopts statements opposing planned US base in Henoko (December 25, 2014)
 US military frequently conducts parachute training exercises in Tokyo suburbs (December 25, 2014)
 25 million votes ‘wasted’ in general election under single-seat constituency system (December 24, 2014)
 Military-academia research cooperation accelerating (December 24, 2014)
 Scholars are opposing Abe gov’t move to further involve universities in military research (December 24, 2014)
 SDF desperately trying to recruit high school students (December 23, 2014)
 Stop working to revise Japan-US Defense Guidelines[Editorial] (December 22, 2014)
 Japanese gov’t spends Y674 billion on US bases (December 22, 2014)
 JCP is dominant in the percentage of Dietwomen (December 22, 2014)
 Y31 billion in taxpayer money spent to fund political parties with exception of JCP (December 20, 2014)
 Drunken US soldier arrested for attacking police officer (December 20, 2014)
 JCP local assembly members in Kochi call for investigation into US military jet’s low-altitude flights (December 20, 2014)
 Hibakusha oppose US plan to designate atomic research sites as national park (December 20, 2014)
 Start of dialogues for normalizing US-Cuba relations is welcome advance[Editorial] (December 19, 2014)
 Transfer order to unionized zoo workers illegal: court (December 19, 2014)
 All JCP Dietmembers express to each other their determination to fight (December 19, 2014)
 Japan should step up efforts against climate change[Editorial] (December 15, 2014)

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