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List of Past issues

 US military repeatedly conducts flight drills in western Japan (February 19, 2014)
 Labor earnings decrease for 19 consecutive months (February 19, 2014)
 Yokosuka residents demand release of information regarding nuclear facility accident (February 19, 2014)
 Foreign Minister hints at breach of Three Non-Nuclear Principles (February 18, 2014)
 Create grant-type scholarship system at once: JCP Miyamoto (February 18, 2014)
 All JCP candidates win Hino City Assembly election with record-high share of votes (February 18, 2014)
 JRP rushing toward the ultra-right (February 17, 2014)
 Don’t use taxpayer money for coal-fired energy projects abroad: environmental NGOs (February 16, 2014)
 829 public figures sign appeal protesting against collective self-defense right (February 15, 2014)
 Okinawa Pref. Assembly to set up special investigation panel on governor’s approval of landfill project (February 15, 2014)
 Tokyo Gov. Masuzoe: Article 9 should be revised (February 15, 2014)
 JCP condemns Chubu electric for requesting permission to restart Hamaoka NPP (February 15, 2014)
 JCP Osaka seeks to build civil cooperation to break through Hashimoto’s policies (February 15, 2014)
 PM Abe once more seeks easier way to change pacifist Constitution (February 5, 2014)
 Japan can use collective self-defense right by changing constitutional interpretation: Abe (February 6, 2014)
 ‘Complementary opposition parties’ court government favor (February 7, 2014)
 Abe blames the media for increasing concern over secrecy law (February 7, 2014)
 JCP Tatsumi criticizes supplementary budget as further widening income gap (February 7, 2014)
 JCP Kami: US will further press Japan to lower tariffs in TPP talks (February 8, 2014)
 JCP criticizes exclusion of 3 opposition parties from electoral reform discussion (February 8, 2014)
 DPJ hardly distinguishable from LDP (February 10, 2014)
 NHK governor: Nanjing massacre never happened (February 5, 2014)
 NHK governor praised rightist’s 1993 suicide (February 6, 2014)
 Hyakuta and Hasegawa pose threat to NHK neutrality: ex-NHK director (February 6, 2014)
 SDF officials regularly visit ‘Yasukuni’ in Hokkaido (February 10, 2014)
 Reactivation of nuclear reactors is illusion: energy policy professor (February 5, 2014)
 Shimane residents call for promotion of local renewable energy (February 8, 2014)
 PM refuses to confirm he promised to close Futenma base in 5 years (February 5, 2014)
 Protests against new base construction should be strictly controlled: Okinawan LDP lawmaker (February 6, 2014)
 Relocation of Futenma base functions will impose further burdens on Okinawans: JCP Nihi (February 7, 2014)
 JR East will accelerate installation of platform gates (February 6, 2014)
 Civil symposium reveals insufficient public support for DV victims (February 7, 2014)
 JCP efforts result in municipal subsidies in Nagano for low-income families’ purchase of heating oil (February 9, 2014)
 ‘Red purge’ victims file claim at bar association for relief (February 10, 2014)
 People-friendly Utsunomiya comes in 2nd after pro-nuclear Masuzoe in Tokyo gubernatorial election (February 10, 2014)
 JCP Shii meets with Chinese ambassador (February 7, 2014)
 JCP will do its best to shatter Abe’s intent to exercise collective self-defense right: Shii (February 14, 2014)
 Tamogami supporter adores Hitler (February 14, 2014)
 Abe’s labor reform will decrease workers’ wages by 42 trillion yen: think tank (February 14, 2014)
 Nago mayor conveys to Kennedy local opposition to base construction (February 14, 2014)
 JCP Okinawa: state should clean up toxic waste at former US base site (February 14, 2014)
 Secrecy law faces court battle questioning its constitutionality (February 14, 2014)
 NHK losing its ‘political neutrality’ (February 14, 2014)
 Right-wing Ishihara calls for lifting ban on use of force (February 13, 2014)
 ‘Black corporations’ becoming crafty (February 13, 2014)
 Okinawans voice opposition to US base construction during Kennedy’s visit (February 13, 2014)
 Hakodate City in court suit seeks to suspend NPP construction  (February 13, 2014)
 PM’s visit to Yasukuni challenges post-war international order: JCP Kasai (February 13, 2014)
 Bus drivers work under tough conditions (February 12&15, 2014)
 Okinawans march in protest against Osprey helipad construction (February 12, 2014)

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