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List of Past issues

 Financial agency gives out posts to mega bank employees (November 7, 2013)
 Japan can use right to collective self-defense in case of ‘serious impact’: gov’t panel chief (November 7, 2013)
 Construction of arenas for 2020 Tokyo Olympics will destroy green spaces (November 7, 2013)
 Japan shows no intent to criticize US tapping (November 6, 2013)
 Don’t cut labor counseling services: JCP Kira (November 6, 2013)
 Japan’s national trade union centers simultaneously work to oppose relaxation of labor laws (November 6, 2013)
 JCP Koike opposes adverse revision of state support system for intractable disease patients (November 6, 2013)
 Unionized youth hold street action against disposable use of young labor (November 5, 2013)
 Top court dismisses ex-JAL contract CA’s appeal seeking reinstatement (November 5, 2013)
 8% sales tax will have negative impact on filmmaking: film director (November 5, 2013)
 Women NGO Shinfujin resolves to fight against Abe’s militaristic policies (November 3 & 4, 2013)
 Nuclear industry workers may also be spied on (November 4 & 6, 2013)
 Over 7,000 rally in Fukushima for the decommission of nuclear reactors (November 3, 2013)
 Shii determined to block cuts in all social security benefits (November 2, 2013)
 Hibakusha protest against new-type of nuclear tests by US (November 2, 2013)
 Ogata speaks at socialism forum in Beijing (November 2, 2013)
 Osaka governor appeals against court order to compensate foreign Hibakusha for medical expenses (November 2, 2013)
 Intelligence assessments influenced by policy makers: former cabinet official  (November 1, 2013)
 US has lost face in wiretapping scandal[Editorial] (November 1, 2013)
 Another 379 hepatitis B patients and families sue gov’t for compensation (November 1, 2013)
 Court finds city illegally turned down applications for welfare benefits of Osaka couple (November 1, 2013)
 Mizuho Bank unkind to ordinary people and kind to crime syndicates (November 1, 2013)
 Union fights against unfair labor practice at Isuzu (October 31, 2013)
 TEPCO should instruct Fukushima subcontractors to pay hazardous duty allowance to workers: JCP Shiokawa (October 31, 2013)
 Teachers are committing offense by not singing ‘Kimigayo’: JRP representative in Kyoto (October 31, 2013)
 Harsher corporate competition will worsen people’s living conditions: JCP Shiokawa (October 30, 2013)
 Ex-US senior officials concerned over PM Abe’s hawkish stance (October 30, 2013)
 Nationwide campaign starts for Constitution-based workplaces (October 30, 2013)
 SDF training will raise tensions with China: JCP Akamine (October 30, 2013)
 All bar associations protest against secrets protection bill (October 29 and 30, 2013)
 Ex-lighting equipment maker worker wins nullification of her dismissal (October 29, 2013)
 Japan has no intent to depart from nuclear umbrella (October 29, 2013)
 Legal experts issue statements against state secrets bill (October 29, 2013)
 Saga Pref. to have high school students buy tablet PCs (October 29, 2013)
 Secrets protection bill could criminalize news-gathering without gov’t permission (October 28, 2013)
 Survey shows harsh working conditions of young people[Editorial] (October 28, 2013)
 Takae residents in Okinawa continues nonviolent resistance (October 28, 2013)
 JR Kyushu also downplays safety (October 27, 2013)
 What the secrets protection bill is all about (October 27, 2013)
 Abe gov’t finally submits secrets protection bill (October 26, 2013)
 JCP Akamine: Japanese NSC is revival of Imperial General HQ (October 26, 2013)
 JCP demands Osaka gov’t accept court decision to give foreign Hibakusha medical compensation (October 26 & 29, 2013)
 Residents in Tokyo area also oppose Osprey deployment (October 26 & 27, 2013)
 JCP calls for cross-party effort to halt consumption tax hike (October 26, 2013)
 PM in policy speech promises to give favorable treatment to large corporations (October 16, 2013)
 Long-term decline of LDP and its ‘false majority’ in Diet (October 17, 2013)
 Abe gov’t sets up special committee to hastily discuss NSC and secrets protection bills (October 18, 2013)
 Shii demands drastic change in Abe’s policies (October 18, 2013)
 Kochi assembly: Lifting of tariffs on Japan’s key food categories is unacceptable (October 18, 2013)
 JCP calls for wider collaboration to scrap secrets protection bill (October 19, 2013)

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