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List of Past issues

 JCP listens to Fukushima fishermen regarding radioactive water leak  (August 22, 2013)
 Civil groups protest against restrictions on student access to ‘Barefoot Gen’ (August 22, 2013)
 Expert says Japan’s GDP growth is due to exports and public investment (August 21, 2013)
 ANA sees merit in offering full-time positions to CAs (August 21, 2013)
 300 tons of radioactive water leaked at Fukushima NPP (August 21, 2013)
 JCP assembly members demand retraction of access restrictions on ‘Barefoot Gen’ (August 21, 2013)
 Military authorities leave damages for taxi holdup by 2 US Marines unpaid (August 20, 2013)
 Welfare offices reject complaints about welfare payment cuts (August 20, 2013)
 JCP increases its votes in NPP-dependent municipalities (August 20, 2013)
 US drone attacks cannot bring peace[Editorial] (August 19, 2013)
 Hibakusha voice anger over restriction on access to ‘Barefoot Gen’ (August 19, 2013)
 US resumes HH-60 flights just 11 days after crash (August 17, 2013)
 Takae residents demand halt to US forces’ Osprey helipads construction (August 17, 2013)
 Abe cabinet members visit Yasukuni Shrine (August 16, 2013)
 Abe Cabinet heading down the path to the past (August 16, 2013)
 Ex-South Pacific island residents from Okinawa sue gov’t for war damages (August 16, 2013)
 JCP Kasai attends ceremony marking Korean liberation from Japan’s colonization (August 16, 2013)
 We will share info on SDF possession of poison gases with local residents: gov’t response to JCP Dietman (August 15, 2013)
 JCP demands halt to recall of supplementary text depicting 1923 mass murder of Koreans (August 15, 2013)
 JCP issues statement on 68th anniversary of end of WWII (August 15, 2013)
 Number of non-regular workers reaches record high (August 14, 2013)
 Court recognizes home helper as suffering from work-related illness (July 31 and August 14, 2013)
 Univ. in Okinawa marks 9th anniversary of US chopper crash onto its campus (August 14, 2013)
 US copter crash could pollute Okinawans drinking water source: Naha City Assembly (August 14, 2013)
 Okinawa Prefectural Assembly protests against US chopper crash (August 13, 2013)
 Okinawans protest against resumption of additional Osprey deployment (August 13, 2013)
 Watami receives ‘Black Corporation’ award (August 13, 2013)
 Citizens rally to create UN day to remember sufferings of ‘comfort women’ (August 13, 2013)
 JCP Kasai attends anniversary event of ‘comfort women’ facilities in South Korea (August 12, 2013)
 JCP holds rally commemorating 91st anniversary of its founding (August 11, 2013)
 Let’s arouse public opinion for nuclear abolition toward 2015: WC against A & H Bombs in Nagasaki (August 10, 2013)
 Woman in child-rearing year fights against IBM Japan’s ‘lockout dismissal’ (August 10, 2013)
 Abe betrays the spirit of A-bombed nation (August 10, 2013)
 Abe Cabinet aims to approve right to collective self-defense (August 9, 2013)
 Abe mounts ‘coup’ against Article 9 with his pick for legislation bureau chief (August 9, 2013)
 Labor ministry will inspect 4,000 ‘black corporations’ (August 9, 2013)
 JCP forms task force for elimination of ‘black corporations’ (August 8, 2013)
 US military helicopter crash fuels Okinawans’ anger (August 7, 2013)
 Gov’t should take lead in increasing minimum wages nationwide: Shii (August 7 & 8, 2013)
 JCP Kasai reveals 1965 foreign ministry document calling for diplomatic solution of ‘comfort women’ issue (August 7, 2013)
 2013 World Conference held in Hiroshima amid increasing global attention to inhumanity of nuclear weapons (August 7, 2013)
 LDP’s victory in Upper House election encourages Keidanren to demand revision of Worker Dispatch Law (August 5, 2013)
 Drunken US soldier arrested (August 5, 2013)
 Why is hate speech increasing in Japan? (August 5, 2013 )
 Hansen’s disease sanatorium hosts summer camp for Fukushima kids (August 5, 2013)
 2013 nationwide peace march arrives in Hiroshima (August 5, 2013)
 Additional Ospreys arrive in Okinawa from Iwakuni (August 4 & 6, 2013)
 International antinuke meeting in Hiroshima focuses on inhumanity of nuclear weapons (August 4-6, 2013)
 211 young lawyers in lawsuit claim abolition of scholarship program to be unconstitutional (August 3, 2013)
 Court orders gov’t to recognize 8 plaintiffs as victims of A-bomb disease (August 3, 2013)

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