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List of Past issues

 Gov’t to approve exports of military aircraft parts (February 5, 2013)
 Residents’ protest forces closing of SDF training site (February 4, 2013)
 PM Abe accepts money from construction firms (February 4, 2013)
 Anti-TPP efforts by a local co-op spread to prefectural level (February 4, 2013)
 Okinawans shower anger on PM (February 3, 2013)
 Network formed to shut down Mt. Fuji firing range (February 3 & 5, 2013)
 Gov’t will cut benefits for wartime orphans and leprosy patients’ families (February 3, 2013)
 Monument to Korean, Japanese victims of coal mine disaster unveiled (February 3, 2013)
 Power company promotes nuclear power ‘safety myth’ in school (February 3, 2013)
 Sticking firmly to Article 9 is the path to peace: Ichida (February 2, 2013)
 USS George Washington sailor arrested again (February 2, 2013)
 Residents’ complaints about US aircraft roar reached highest number ever in 2012 (February 2, 2013)
 Ichida: 2% inflation target runs counter to rise in domestic demand (January 23, 2013)
 Single-seat constituency system & party subsidies provoke public criticism (January 27, 2013)
 Which party can stand up to Abe Cabinet? (January 29, 2013)
 Abe’s local branch uses political funds to go to hostess bars (January 29, 2013)
 Abe shows no reflection on LDP role in current crisis: Shii (January 29, 2013)
 100,000 signatures submitted against lowering welfare benefits (January 23 and 28, 2013)
 Welfare benefits recipients barely able to survive  (January 25 and 27, 2013)
 1995 quake victims in Itami can continue living in public housing (January 26, 2013)
 Abe Cabinet to shelve small-class size plan (January 27, 2013)
 Abe seeks the largest-ever cut in public assistance payments[Editorial] (January 28, 2013)
 Zenroren fires up 2013 spring wage struggle (January 23, 2013)
 Individual contractors can exercise labor rights: court (January 24, 2013)
 Efforts in Gifu to stop Sony factory closure ( January 27, 2013)
 North Korea should respect UN resolution and abandon missile programs [Editorial] (January 24, 2013)
 Farmers resolve to block Japan’s entry into TPP (January 22-24, 2013)
 US curfew and alcohol ban is insufficient: JCP in Kanagawa (January 24, 2013)
 Okinawans suffer from Osprey’s noise and low-frequency emissions (January 27, 2013)
 MV22s go to Philippines from Okinawa for flight training (January 26, 2012)
 Okinawans demand return of public money spent on US military facilities (January 26, 2013)
 Okinawa’s municipal leaders rally in Tokyo for withdrawal of Ospreys (January 28, 2013)
 Okinawan delegation directly urges PM Abe to remove Osprey (January 29, 2013)
 JCP Kasai blames gov’t for shoddy decontamination work (January 26, 2013)
 JCP Ichida opposes move to relax laws on SDF operations abroad  (January 28, 2013)
 JCP vice chair meets with Cuban ambassador (January 25, 2013)
 Shii at Lower House urges Abe to implement 3 policies to end recession (February 1, 2013)
 PM Abe wants to relax requirements for constitutional revision (February 1, 2013)
 Shii criticizes Abe’s intent to withdraw state apology for ‘comfort women’ issue (February 1, 2013)
 On 85th anniversary of Akahata publication (February 1, 2013)
 This week’s JCP international activities (This week’s JCP international activities)
 Judo coach’s physical assault of female athletes is a warning to entire Japanese sporting world (January 31, 2013)
 US sailor molests women in Yokosuka (January 31, 2013)
 Legal trainees call for reinstatement of scholarship program (January 31, 2013)
 Petition drive opposing maglev railway construction attracts public attention (January 31, 2013)
 High school students and parents urge education board to work for elimination of physical punishment in school (January 31, 2013)
 Abe’s budget draft friendly to big firms, unfriendly to general public[Editorial] (January 30, 2013)
 More than 70% of sick-child care centers operate in red (January 30, 2013)
 Osaka air raid victims bring case to Supreme Court (January 30, 2013)
 JCP urges Chugoku Electric Power to promote use of renewable energy (January 30, 2013)

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