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List of Past issues

 Former fixed-term Canon employee asks court to issue injunctions against his dismissal (October 2, 2008 )
 Pilots say deregulation compromises airline safety and working conditions (October 5, 2008 )
 4,600 young workers hold rally for jobs with dignity (October 6, 2008 )
 Shii calls on young people to develop nationwide solidarity  (October 6, 2008 )
 Government defies Sapporo court ruling that favors Hibakusha (October 4, 2008 )
 A student living in an apartment needs more than two million yen to enroll in private university (October 7, 2008 )
 JCP needs to expose true nature of ‘Ishin-no-Kai’ and talk to voters (September 13, 2012)
 Akahata obtains document verifying bid-rigging by defense ministry (September 13, 2012)
 Tokyo education board intervenes in high schools’ selection of textbooks (September 13, 2012)
 Defense minister unwelcomed by Okinawans (September 12, 2012)
 PM appoints members of new nuclear regulatory body without Diet approval (September 12, 2012)
 Delay in post-quake recovery affects victims’ health (September 12, 2012)
 Labor commission orders NTT West to retract transfer of union official (September 12, 2012)
 All JCP candidates win in assembly election in nuclear disaster-hit city (September 11, 2012)
 No candidate for DPJ head reflects on breach of promises (September 11, 2012)
 Osaka City mayor holds open debate on policies of his new party (September 11, 2012)
 Anti-Osprey deployment rallies held nationwide in solidarity with massive protest in Okinawa (September 11, 2012)
 JCP Shii calls for major advance in next general election (September 8, 2012)
 Futenma base is not so dangerous: US consul remarks (September 7 & 8, 2012)
 Higher share to pay in medical bills hampers doctor visits (September 7, 2012)
 Diet seat-cutting bill passed through Lower House amid opposition parties’ walkout (August 29, 2012)
 To cut parliamentary seats could allow abuse of power (August 29, 2012)
 Anti-PM censure reflects public opposition to tax hike: Ichida (August 30, 2012)
 222 lawmakers hold protest rally against TPP across party lines (August 31, 2012)
 What is true feature of ‘political party’? (September 2, 2012)
 Gov’t report on Osprey crash prioritizes deployment rather than people’s lives[Editorial] (August 29, 2012)
 US Army forcibly conducts exercise in densely populated area (August 29, 2012)
 Activists rally to join forces against Osprey deployment (September 2 & 3, 2012)
 TEPCO only pays \40,000 out of \200 mil in claims for nuclear accident damage (August 30, 2012)
 New gov’t strategy should pledge swift departure from nuclear energy[Editorial] (September 3, 2012)
 Japan’s business leaders aim for US-style management (August 30, 2012)
 Consumption tax hike will have negative business impact: 67% of companies (August 8, 2012)
 Number of contingent workers hits record high at Japan’s big automakers (August 31, 2012)
 More become contingent workers or unemployed in disaster-hit areas (August 8, 2012)
 Unions struggle to improve conditions of subcontractors’ workers in disaster-stricken areas (September 4, 2012)
 Japan Gensuikyo sends message to Non-Aligned movement leaders (August 29, 2012)
 SDF continues illegal collection of citizens’ personal information (September 4, 2012)
 Stop consumption tax hike by ensuring JCP’s victory in next elections: Shii (September 3, 2012)
 Power supply sufficient without NPPs: JCP demanding KEPCO break with nuclear power (September 6, 2012)
 LDP presidential election field is crowded with many candidates (September 5, 2012)
 Only 32% of elementary and junior high schools have quakeproof ceilings and lighting fixtures installed (September 5, 2012)
 Broken windows and wall cracks in disaster-hit schools (September 5, 2012)
 Agriculture in subordination to US - II: beef and citrus imports liberalized (September 5, 2012)
 Citizens demand whole picture of SDF’s monitoring of people (September 5, 2012)
 Agriculture in subordination to US - I: Road to more imports of US farm surplus (September 4, 2012)
 Gov’t prioritizes US military over people’s lives for Osprey deployment: JCP (August 28, 2012)
 TEPCO makes easy money while raising power rates (August 28, 2012)
 JCP calls for an end to electronics makers’ forcible retirement policy (August 28, 2012)
 Japan’s scientists hold symposium on need to break with nuclear power (August 26&27, 2012)
 Japan Mothers’ Congress resolves to protect children from nuclear accident (August 26&27, 2012)

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